<3 Hello ! I got the Space Faerie as a challenger but I'm really having a hard time beating her, does anyone know a good walkthrough guide for a low HP pet? I've got 2 PP's but I just can't do enough damage each turn to get rid of her. Help muchly appreciated
How much HP and Defense does your pet have? Strength and Movement are useless against the space faerie. Try using the 2x Ppot combo using Thick Smoke Bombs, Jade Elixirs and the Burrow/Sink Faerie Abilities at the right times. I recommend at least 80-90 hp, and even then you have to get lucky. I have heard of people beating her with 60 hp but they were extremely lucky.
Thanks for replying. My pet has 130hp and defence 45. I've been trying the usual 2xPP's / smoke bomb / burrow, sink, drainlife / jade elixir method but just can't seem to get her down far enough. Last attempt I managed to get her to 85hp but she always wipes me out on the same turn I use my Jade elixir Are there any other weapons / defence items that might do a better job? Willing to pay for the right thing, up to a point ! I'm not a battler - just an avvie collector so not much experience of the battledome