Alright, so I have been told that there are very few working sponsor clicks, and I haven't been able to find too many. Thats when you come in! I need your help for sponsor clicks. PLEASE POST ANY WORKING SPONSOR CLICKS AND THE AMOUNT OF NP YOU GET FROM IT! THANK YOU +rep's will be rewarded. And <3 for life! ALSO, I WILL GIVE WHOEVER HELPS ME THE MOST A 2 WEEK OLD ACCOUNT WITH ABOUT 50K ON IT!
Re: Sponsor Clicks- +Reps The only one i know is : (us :Neofriends pw : Neofriends)
here is one that I made for heya's multi account sponsor doer. if you useit i want credit in the program as this takes along time to make... and i'll know bc theirs some her ei have that other ones don't i pmed it to you..
Here's a raw list... quite outdated but it's a good start the number between () is the number of time you can visit the link. And I'm pretty sure there's some duplicate in there. Enjoy !