Starting to AB again. 2 minute old account.

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by fail, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    I decided to start ABing, and have a 2 minute old account, i have the AU and havent used it i awhile. Any recomendations as to where i should start ABing? It'd help if you could also provide me with a list and how to set up the AU if its igloo and whatnot.. :D
  2. Coldness

    Coldness Level IV

    May 29, 2007
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    Just 5 minutes away where you live (:
    here's a guide that tells you what you can see if you x amount of months.

    about the lists, you can either make one yourself or grab some from here which can be found here
    I think you would be changing some of the items though so I recommend looking at those before putting them in.

    As for what kind of recomendations to where you should start: I'd say pharm or igloo.
    I don't know if there is a igloo list; well there is but that one is really outdated, it's not even funny.
    But as far as I know you can request a list from someone or just make it yourself by using this

    You should also use this (image clicks) to get some NP already :)
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