Stim cell reasearch is used to try and rebuild dead tissues etc. etc. It may help paralized people walk again, cure cancer etc. Bad thing is, you can only aquire stem cells from aborted fetuses. debate.
WRONG, as in you're wrong... get your facts straight, there's a new way to harvest the cells w/o aborting feti, so I'm all for stem cell research
yeah, i think you can harvest stem cells from umbilical cord blood as well. For me, i'm definitely pro stem cell research.
From what I understand they can harvest stem cells from unfertilized eggs as well. I'm all for it. There are far too many diseases that could be cured or treated with this research.
Good there is a way not to have aborted fetuses and the aborted fetus way is bad but the other is good
I doubt that they ever used aborted fetuses to harvest cells. More likely they artificially inseminated eggs for the specific purpose of getting the cells.
IF you can get stem cells without using aborted fetuses than there is nothing wrong with using them. heres why(and please argue if you want): 1)stem cells are unspecialized cells, therefore meaning no brain cells are present at the time they are harvested. No braincells imply no conviousness meaning it cannot yet be considered a baby. 2) some argue claiming this is still potential for life and that we are destroying that potential. This is true however every sperm we produce is alos potential for life meaning every time a male masturbates or a female goes through her period the same thing happens.
haha lol, yeah I hate the people that say it's still considered a "life"... they're retards... like you said, it's like saying that when a female goes through her period she's mass murdering all that potential life
LOL for a second i thought you were saying "retards like you" but then i read on, yeah man im glad other ppl think like it, it will save more lifes.
actually you can get stem cells from fertilised eggs that had not been used in ivf. i think that stem cell research is defo the way forward in things because as they say, you cant make an omlette without breaking eggs. its like animal testing, if we didnt do that then i can bet you that half of the drugs and antibiotics we have become so dependant upon would not exist. even if aborted foetuses were used, theres no harm, it can feel no pain and without sounding vulgar, would get put in the bucket anyway or used for medical research. either way its making a really useful contribution towards medicine
if it doesnt harm anyone or anything, then why woulld anyone be against it? the thing is, some people believe it IS harming things. thats why it's debated.
a female is born with thousands of eggs, not all of the eggs will be used, theres still eggs in a female when she hits menopause so whats the point in letting them go to waste. y not use them to cure something thats killing millions and millions of people.
also with the abored fetuses, its not like scientists r gonna be like go get pregrent and then kill your baby and give it to us, they'll just use the fetuses that people want to us, like the card in ur wallet for your organs they're not gonna take them if u dont want them taken
i say why not although i can see the argument for nay very clearly anyway i don't think an official decision will be realeased for a LONG time (change wise) p.s. don't double post chris that's what the edit button is for
sorry for the double post i thought some other people had posted after me and i thought of some other things after i left and forgot to use the edit button