Story Contest 10/21-10/28

Discussion in 'Contests and Events' started by kittymeow, Oct 20, 2007.

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  1. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Update: The contest can still be ran, but not by me. I am withdrawing.

    Just like on neopets, you are given the beginning of what the story will be. You have to complete the ending, but it needs to make sense.

    The prize is 15,000 NP.

    Edit by ricky92: I'll donate 35,000 NPs more and 15 points to the winner of this contest. I like the idea ;)


    The windows and doors kept creaking and slamming back closed and shut. No locks, so no way to keep them closed.
    The town has gone into depression. No jobs are avaliable here and the prosperous big cities doesn't seem to want to help.
    The thunderstorm seems to reflect the despair that hanged around the young Zspar's face. She was bundled in a large quilt that her mother made for her before her tragic accident. She never knew her father, because he died while fighting for his country. She lives with her grandparents and she has an older brother, who has wen't the city to hopefully get a job and send money and food back home. No one has heard from him in a month. Zspar grabs the lantern and carefully heads up the old rotting stairs of the once grand victorian house, fearful that someday she will fall through, but as she walked she head a loud banging at the door. Who could this be she wondered...
  2. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    When Zspar open the door, She saw an Old man with black dress... She says "who are you" The old man replied "im the guardian of your father and im here to grant you 3 wishes. Zspar says "why"? the old man replied "because your father protect your country i feel happy about his patriotism. . .Zspar says "so.... can i get the 3 wishes?" and the old man says ....what is your 1st wish?
    1st wish is to bring my father back.
    old man replied " i will reincarnate him" (BOOM!!!)
    Zspar yell "HOLLY MOLLY" he is back but why he is 1 year old?
    2nd wish is to put back his age to 45.
    old man replied "AGE WILL BE BACK TO 45" (BOOM!!!)
    Zspar yell father.. your back...
    My 3rd wish is to bring his lost brother back to their home.
    old man replied "Bring Brother Back" (BOOM!!!)
    and they meet each other..
    .even the town still have No jobs are avaliable they also become rich because the guardian of his father leaves 5 sacks of gold bars. .and they help to the poor.
  3. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    The lightning flashed and Zspar heard a peal of thunder follow shortly after, reminiscent of the rumbling laugh of her brother. She felt a pang in her heart at the memory of him, but she pushed it aside as she had done for so many days. She tucked her blanket tighter around her and carefully tread down the steps, shivering. The house, once glorious and kept, had fallen into disrepair and was drafty. The young girl had no idea what she would do when winter came.
    A knock came again, heavy and loud. Through the grime-covered glass panes Zspar could make out the dim outline of a large dark figure, shifting back and forth. No one like that lived in the town.
    "I'm coming!" Zspar shouted, though she knew her frail voice would not permeate the thick oak door. It was for her own slight reassurance that she spoke up. She grasped the cold metal of the doorknob and turned.
    As soon as the door was open, a gust of frigid wind blew in, bringing in the rain and the cold. Zspar cringed, feeling her thin body nearly blown away in the gust. She felt a strong, warm hand grasp hers and she heard the heavy thud of the door slamming shut. The frightened young girl looked up, fearing who the hand belonged to. The stranger shivered and, with a deep grunt, shook off the rainwater from his heavy coat and pulled down his hood.

  4. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Zpar comes down from the stairs when Max destroy the door saying "This door didn't had any locks", "You crack me up little buddy" said Sam calling Max starving for halloween candies.

    Zpar seemed amazed but felt a deep scary feeling. He goes in his cute little stuffy bed and gets a nice nap while the grandparents wake up.

    THE END :lol:
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