Ok it's a new game i found out about some new forum (i don't remember the site). Basically, the players who wanna join must impress the audience (the ones who don't play) to laugh and get as many votes as he can. Everything is allowed, from pictures to funny jokes and videos. I will set a pool when we got people joining. :lol:
Second. Can the pool be at my house? Cuz you know..backyard's crazy big. It needs something like a pool there :maha:
IF YOU WANNA UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING YOU MUST : 1. get out of the house, get your clothes off and dance like a hawaiian chick 2. attempt a backflip and break your neck 3. rise up, beg for mercy at the nearest drug store 4. make a cooking fire and read "War and Peace" book 5. REPLLYING TO THIS FUCKING SHITTY AND VERY UNFUNNY POST. NOW I THINK I UNDERSTAND ME. :lol:
Essentially, post something funny. And he'll set a poll up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-NOZU2iPA8
I was completely unaware of the new smiley. I like. Well, since I've run out of funny pictures, I'll tell some stand up. *stands up* If a tree falls on a woman and there's no one there to hear her, does she... wait, wait, wait. Why is there a forest in the kitchen? If a man hits his wife with a car, who's fault is it? If you said man's: Spoiler No, silly. What's the woman doing out of the kitchen? If you said woman's: Spoiler No, silly. What's the man doing driving in the kitchen? What does a woman do after she gets home from a battered spouse clinic? - The dishes if she knows what's good for her. How did Helen Keller's family punish her? - They made her read a basketball. What do you call a fly with no wings? - A walk. Why did the peanut call the police? - He had been a salted. Get it? Okay, thank you very much. Have a good night. You're all too kind.