if someone could make a program that refreshes the regular shop wiz x number of times and shows you the lowest prices it would be similar to SSW
I guess it would.. but still it wouldn't be as nice as SSW, it might miss a few out, or get temp shopwiz banned quickly :| (and it would also take like 20 seconds to look up 1 item)
thats true, but i guess its the best you can do if you dont have SSW. and how many refreshes does it take to get SW banned?
Lately it's been around 10 refreshes for me on the SSW. Pretty lame. :evil: For the normal shop wizard though I think it has to do more with how many times you refresh in a certain period of time.
Well I think so, that's how its been for the past week or so with me. Maybe Im just unlucky, but I have seen a lot of other people on the Premium boards complain about changes to it. Im not exactly sure which changes, but Im assuming its that.
Yes you can use the normal one. You can also still use the SSW, but you can only use the 'price check' option which gives the average price.