I was just wondering if anyone here knows a trick or two on how to get the jackpot (or atleast passed "Weakling") in "Test Your Strength"? Does it really have anything to do with how strong your neopet is? Or by how long you hold the mouse? I know that I've been trying every day for the last 4 months to get passed "Weakling", but have never made it. So is there really a trick here? Or is it "luck"?
There's absolutely no trick at all as far as I know. It's 100% luck with the odds stacked heavily against you.
It's pure chance; just another rigged carnival game. =P (Your pets strength, etc., have nothing to do with your chances...for example, using my lab rat/BD pet with 112 Strength, still gets weakling, just as with my other pets that are pretty much completely unstatted.)
It's pure chance, like Bagatelle. There's about a 95% chance you'll get below half-way, though.. that's comforting!
ive stopped playing games like this due to the fact will stated.. the odds are against, and by a big proportion.. i think the best i've done out of the two months i played was maybe in the 40's..
See, it's games as retarded as these that get me pissed off on TnT. It is a POINTLESS game. They made it TOO hard...why would anybody play it? Sometimes they surprise me with their retarded definitions of "Fun"
You can sit there and dump a ton of neopoints into the game and MAYBE win yourself a nice prize, or generate neopoints some other way and then buy the prizes at auction or on the trading post. I always choose option #2.
iv never got past the 'weakling stage'. But i think the point of the fairground games (like coconut shy) is that their supposed to be unfair or 'rigged'
I'm amazed that so few people are aware of the trick to bump up your score in this game. I found this out by mistake during a skype convo. You'll need a mic for it to work. Make sure the mic is plugged in and as soon as you hit the button with the hammer, scream as high as you can. Not the "Rawr" kind of scream, but the "Eeeeek!" one. Don't try to scream as long as possible either, just focus pitching your voice as hard as you can for the one or two seconds right after you've slammed the hammer. I've gotten numerous HW pb's and petpets and even the jackpot one time. Never gotten anything below HW petpets when I've used this method.
Virre...I can NOT believe you just managed to make me scream at the top of my voice while playing a neopets game You evil evil person. It didn't work! :C Didn't even get a small change (Didn't pass weakling).
lol all the deserted faiground games r pretty lame D:.... i think the only good thing that ever came out of one for me was i knocked down a coconut
All of the Deserted Fairground games are made of pure stupidity. I still have not been able to get passed the weakling stage and I have been trying almost everyday for 3 years now.
Virre is neo-nub, dun listen to him What you ACTUALLY have to do is: Plug in the mic in the headphones jack and THEN yell at the top of your lungs into the mic. Make sure you click on the LEFT side of the red button though. I've gotten 2 jackpots with this method.
Ok mate I'm not that stupid Although I have proven I'm kinda Stupid...but I'm not a total moron...although that day will come too XD I'm giving up on this machine for good
umm... im pretty sure you just get the jackpot amount thats listed on the test your strength page.... at least thats a pretty safe bet...
There is no trick, even where you click the hammer doesnt matter. You can see you inventory to see if you won a prize right after you press play but before you slam down the hammer, so fate is already decided for you, its just another waste of NP