That moment when your browsing on the 'hi score' list of a game and then follow through to one of the gold trophy winners, or if your just browsing through cheap shops.. Firstly, you notice his bedecked from head to toe with trophies -the easy and hard. Shop mid-sized with no embellishment. Just a name and a shopkeeper, thats it. Maybe a quote from it saying "Cheap restocks". His User Lookup is bare, with just a simple "Hi' at the top. Pet maybe half dying from hunger. Something doesent add up. With suspicion we glance at his avatars, hardly any. Yes folks, we have found a fellow hacker. When this happens to me, its like running into a friend. You smile quietly. You want to give a nod of understanding and a wink of the eye. Two members of the neopian community with less than a squeaky clean alibis, passing on the street. Has this happened to anyone else? I just stumbled upon someone who is OBVIOUSLY un-legit. hehe thought I would put a little rhetoric into the event
You can usually tell who the game cheaters are, they all have almost the exact same trophies they received from using someone's trainer.
When I see someone who is obviously cheating, I neomail them xD I usually flatter them to death in my neomail. I love looking at their replies! ;P
Actually I was just looking at one of those people today.. Like 20 avatars, no shopkeeper, one crappy pet, a 3 week old account... And literally about 30 trophies. I kind of rolled my eyes but laughed. You have to wonder if the person does it for kicks or sincerely thinks he could get away with it...
I have one of those accounts. Mine is just for score-sender & score list & other programs test-running. I use it at my univeristy campus only and use just my main account at home where it's safe ^^
I actually saw a 2 week old account today with OVER 40 trophies, all of them gold. I tried to NM him but he set his age at below 13. I just checked his lookup and he's frozen now.
:maha: Ponders well aged, legit account....... Kinda over "goodie two shoes" status wondering what I can get away with now.....6 year acount? B)
hahaha thats such a good idea. I think someones done that to one of my shells haha im glad i sparked such a nice little discussion. Mmm ive had thoughts of having a little cheating guild, but then again it would just be like a big silver platter of "here we are TNT, please freeze us all". But it would be pretty cool, a guild of millionaires
i've had that a lot. in fact, i just saw one like 5 minutes ago. they have a ton of pinatas in the trades and all these game trophies that i've seen trainers for. of course they COULD be legit, but i really doubt it, it's so obvious.
very easy to tell because ppls lazy to change the numbers from game trainers so don't be surprised when alot of users have same scores!
I hate it, actually... I'm a gamer, for one - I enjoy playing games and challenging myself to do better at them - so it bugs me to know that I'll never be able to get a trophy on certain games that cheaters will always own. I also can't understand why anyone would enjoy a trophy they didn't earn. I don't mean I understand it but I don't agree with it, I mean I don't understand it at all. I guess the trophy equates to a certain amount of neopoints per day and that wuold be justification enough, but I have the feeling that isn't why people do it. I understand cheating to get items and neopoints - we don't really want to spend half of our entire lives on the site but we want the good stuff so we make it happen a little more rapidly. But as far as the trophies go.... I enjoy being good at things. I'm naturally competitive and I like testing my own limits and when I prove my skill at something, I gloat over it - and justifiably so. But how gloat over a trophy you didn't earn? Why not use Photoshop and print yourself up a Doctorate Degree in Medicine from Harvard and hang it on your wall while you're at it? What's the point? It's empty. Unless you kid yourself into believing that it means something it really doesn't. from Hamlet, Polonius to his son Laertes: To thine own self be true In plain English - lie to everyone else if you must, but don't lie to yourself.
Idk what you just said but not many of the people on the hightscore list seriously take the trophies they get seriously and know the difference between getting the trophy legit or by cheating.
So you're suggesting that people cheat and get the trophies for no reason whatsoever because they know they have no right to gloat over them? That makes less sense than self-delusion. I think people get a killer thrill looking at all their unfairly acquired trophies but never take a minute to realize how phony it is.
Well, the goal of most players of all games (not just Neopets) is to get recognition. Before we all came to the cheating community, didn't we all goggle our eyes at 1337 players and their 50+ trophies? Don't we all want to be that kind of player? But its ridiculously difficult to do all of that legit, so some of us cheat. A lot of people don't care if they deserved it or not, its the end result that matters for them. =/
Yeah, a trophy only means two things - 1) 250 to 750 neopoints/day and 2) recognition of your accomplishment/skill. By cheating at a game you cheat yourself out of a chance at #2. You might fool other people on the site but you still have to know it doesn't mean anything. I guess if you don't think past "Whew... look at all my trophies..." well, there you have it, and I guess complaining about it won't change it so I'm done.
I totally agree and understand. Its like achieving your best. But like.. flash games isnt something im really good at or enjoy that much, especially neopet ones. Its not really kidding myself to believing that im not, I know that im shit at like 90% of those games. But personally i prefer to test myself in other areas like sport or academics. However, i understand how fustrating it must be to have cheaters get impossible scores and bump you off trophies. So I know im crap at it, but hey. Why not have that shiny trophy which looks cool and differentiates you when you can?