So, i very disapointingly only got 4 votes the last time i enter my bori in the beauty contest and i was wondering if maybe you could vote for -name removed- my kougra for me...p.s im not entering my bori for a while
Just FYI, this is a neopets cheating site.. so you should probably take the name of your pet out of your post for safety And the BC is all about popularity and advertising. I remember making an entry with the spray can thing in paint and then advertising HEAPS and getting almost 500 votes. It all comes down to how much you advertise. All you have to do is make a board saying 'Vote for my pet [ALL VOTES LEFT]' and people will comment, vote, and beg you for votes.
LOL, you posted your name of the pet? That would get you iced real quick, even if you dont cheat. The best is if you tell people who want to vote for you to pm you, then you give them the link to vote.
Or you just go to the Avatars Chat neoforum, you adjust your signature so it is saying "Please vote for my Bori -Link here-" and then you post on every board.
you probably lacked advertising? you should post around the neoboards with your BC link in your sig. I got my pet a gold trophy doing so during ACIV.