Alrite guys, its here im giving away ~2mil pure, and 2mil+ in items. To win just answer the questions that will be posted, ill post 1 question at a time, first FULLY correct asnwer (Judged by me) wins. If you disagree you can PM me but my decision is final as im running this. Questions will start appearing at 8pm GMT, and finish hopefully in 1 hour max. Depending on delays/how smooth things run. Please avoid msg'ing me on MSN whoever has my MSN PLEASE DO NOT post unless its an answer to question, or asking a question/idea/complaint etc. 50 questions. Get ready guys first 15 about Neofriends, then 35 about Neopets itself TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZES. I WILL POST A LIST OF FINAL WINNERS AT END. once this list is up, Priv message me your username and how much you've won. (try to cheat and it classes as scamming) If you win NP have the correct items in shop BEFORE messaging me, if you've won items, make sure you're allowed to recieve them. I dont wanna be wasting hours sorting this out GOOD LUCK ALL 15mins to start
60secoonds, i hope you've all got adrenaline pumping. All girlfriends told to go away, all mums told to get the F out, all brothers kicked in the balls. BE READY! 8)
I just posted answer xD oh well. smellyman got that. 2.Who are the forum Admins and what colour does his name show up as? 50k pure