Hi guys, I am doing some random programming and I had this problem. When I try to send a POST(a http one) to sell Shares ( at the stockmarket) we need to send in the post data the quantity we want to sell and the tag of the company. That is pretty easy. Howerver there's mroe random stuff added. For example, I try to sell 1 share from DROO gives The green is what I have decoded and the red is what I haven't now you may wonder what's the random number in the middle it comes from the previous html page here (it's an old html page so the number is not the same but it comes from there anyways) now the only thing I miss is the random pseudo hexadecimal (the 5B,5B 5D) . It maybe be from some .js, I don't know yet and before I dig in the .js I tought it may be bright to ask if someone else already decoded the postdata from the POST to sell shares.
Omg, I feel ashamed. I tryed to change it hexa to decimal, but I haven't changed it to ascii ! aha thx a lot.