Guess-timates are alright - I doubt anyone knows exactly know long - but I'm wondering.... please post the longest amount of time you've ABed on the same account without getting frozen for it. [EDIT - By this I mean how many days/weeks/months before you got busted, not how many hours in one day.] If you can throw in the frequency with which you ABed, that'd be nice too. I think it could be a helpful tool for letting people to know when to say "when". I imagine that if you've ABed two nights a week for a month without a problem, you might think you'll never get caught. And that's how you get caught.
I just started ABing again and lan to do it on average about 5 days a week... When AU4.0 came out there was a bug where the auto-stop didn't work, so it ran for ~6 hours straight... It also matter where you are RSing and what kind of a list you have...I don't have any UBs on my list, so I'm probably at a much lower risk than some other people who leave their ABers on for too long.
18 hours before i get iced normally and on a weekend its about 13 hours but if i get banned first i dont get iced thats using AU in choc and book
Interesting replies - HOWEVER (and I didn't specifically state this earlier) - I was really asking about length of time successfully ABing in terms of days/weeks/months, not how many hours in one day.
The last time I ABed, I did so everyday from when I left for school to when I returned home yet account is still alive and kicking. I remember being able to earn a mil a day or something this one week straight. It made me happy. 8D ...I doubt I'm going to be doing that again, though. I've gotten insanely paranoid. xD
Oh...I mean, I haven't been ABing for more than a few months...but there are people that do it for years without getting just have to be smart about it and not get too greedy.
I was abing for about 2 months, getting a steady income of about 300k-400k each day. I'd ab for like 30 mins, stop for about 10 then continue abing again. But the other day I thought fuck it, I'm going to be more risky, abed for 2 hours straight and guess what? Got iced the next day. Great.
Probably 3 weeks or so. Abed everyday for about 1-2 hours. Didn't do anything different but got frozen anyways after those weeks. :/
About 1 month? ABed about 2 hours everyday in stamp, earning 600k-700k a day. I tried ABing everyday but I'd forget and stuff like that. Earn about 10m that I got safely transferred before the account got iced.
Whoa, really guys? I've been abing on the same account(s) for probably almost a year now. I don't AB often, though- I go through dry sepells where I won't ab at all for weeks, then times I'll ab everyday. Whenever I AB, I do it for around 2-4 hours, with 10-20 min, breaks every 30-60 min.
Hah, congratulations You've got kind of the dream achievement that I'd like to pull off.... it's obviously not the norm, tho.
eh~ i dont ab from main shops, but from usershops. :yup: i've been doing so for months on a spare account & transferring to my main never been iced, even though i let it run 24/7, even when i'm sleeping. ^^
I've never gotten iced before for using an ABer. the worst that's ever happened to me was a 2 day RS ban. Though I have gotten iced for other reasons...