The Mages guide to Levelling(1-66)

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Chirp, Feb 12, 2007.

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  1. Chirp

    Chirp Level I

    Feb 12, 2007
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    Lvl 1-9
    So you want to be a mage? You had better be rich if you plan on this!! You will need large quantities of Runes to accomplish being a high level mage.

    Option 1:
    To start your training you should visit the chicken farm north of Lumbridge and and concentrate on killing them, (remember to collect the bones as well, this is great time to train your prayer as well) If it is overly crowded, log into another world or you may walk over to the chicken farm south of Falador as well.

    Option 2:
    You may also raise your levels by training at the Goblin House, and the Varrock sewers as well.
    If you go to the sewer to train you should concentrate on killing the rats.
    Continue killing the monsters in Option 1 and 2 until you have reached lvl 9.

    It is very hand when training your magic to use Auto-cast. This will let you constantly cast spells without the need of selecting you spell every time. This will save a lot of time and finger pain ;)
    To do this click on the weapon tab
    Then click on the spellbook
    Then click on the spell you wish to cast.

    The best spot to buy runes for a beginner is the Varrock Rune shop. The more of a rune in stock the cheaper they are. Go to the Rune shop, see how many air and mind runes are in stock, if there aren’t very many, then log into another world to buy.
    When ever you notice the runes starting to increase in price. Log into another world to find cheaper runes.
    Congratulations! You have reached Magic Level 9!

    Lvl 10-35
    Be sure you are restocked on Runes. You should still use the spell Air Strike for
    you main attack, I always have better results using this rather than using Water Strike.
    Once you have reached level 13, you should then switch to Fire Strike . From here on out I would recommend using Fire Strike , as it is much cheaper than using the bolt spells.
    If you do have the money to train with the bolt spells, then you should use Fire Bolt to train with, you need to be lvl 35 before you can use this spell though.
    Make sure that you bring some runes that will allow you to Teleport (3 air, 1 fire, 1
    air). After you have reached lvl 25 you will be able to Teleport to Varrock which is very handy when you run out of runes.
    Ok, with that being said, let’s carry on.

    Option 1:
    Port Sarim Jail
    This is a nice place to train, simply because the enemy cannot attack you because
    they are locked in the jail! The only downside to this is that you cannot collect
    anything that they drop. (once you have advanced enough levels you will be able
    to use Telekinetic Grab lvl 33 which will allow you to pick up items from a distance)

    Option 2:
    Barbarian Village
    The trick here is to stay on the other side of the table. These barbarians are ignorant
    and will not come around to the other side of the table to attack you!
    Focus on these two spots, as you cannot get attacked at either spot, which makes
    training a lot easier, faster, and cheaper.
    Congratulations! You have now reached Magic Level 35!

    Lvl 35-66
    Now that you are level 35 , you should try to use the spell Fire bolt spell as much as
    possible. It does cost a little more, but it will help you gain levels more quickly. If
    you can’t afford it then continue to use the Fire Strike spell.
    We will only focus on one training spot until you have reached lvl 66 , then you can
    move to the Magic Guild to do your training.

    The Wizards Tower
    The spot you will do the majority of your training at is the Wizards Tower.
    Once you have arrived to the tower head up to the third floor . Chances are you will
    see many other Mages training as well. This is a good spot to make some new
    friends as well. It is best to train by yourself, so if it is too crowded (more than 3
    people) I would suggest logging into another less crowded world.
    You will be killing the caged Lesser Demon. It is possible to train solely on
    him even from level one. The only reason I really train at the previous areas is because
    I prefer a little variety. Killing one monster over and over again can get very
    monotonous trust me. The Lesser, however gives great experience. You can actually
    level from 1-40 in about 12 hours of game play, providing you have the gold,

    Well that pretty much concludes the Magic training. Like I said before, after
    you have reached lvl 66, head on over to the Magic Guild and start training
    there. Or if you wish, continure to train here.

    Note: If you do not want to risk dieing you could just use the teleporting spells for your levelling needs, though if you do not fight (a.k.a use a fighting attack spell) your hp will not increase in level and you would die very quickly if you are pking.
  2. Philantrothy

    Philantrothy Level III

    Feb 8, 2007
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    Great guide... but becareful of ur double post =)
  3. Chirp

    Chirp Level I

    Feb 12, 2007
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    yes i know i doubled posted, i didnt see the edit button before, so it was my little mistake
  4. MarcelAjax

    MarcelAjax Level IV

    Nov 3, 2006
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    The Netherlands
    not useful at all, alching, teleporting and other noncombat spells are much better to train with.
  5. jaylon_90

    jaylon_90 Level II

    Feb 17, 2007
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    I guess I'll look into this since I may want to make a wizard.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    well, you can't really say it wasn't helpful,
    he did take the time to explain, one way
    of increasing your mage level, thanks!
  7. Raspberrys

    Raspberrys Level I

    Dec 28, 2006
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    Nice guide. From 1-55 I just did all the basic strike, bolt, blast spells - the best ones i could do at the time - from 55-87 (what i am now) just do high lvl alchemy.
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