Yo peeps. Its 12:39am and I have to 'wakeup' for work soon and I can't sleep. So I'm doing what everyone does when they can't sleep. I ponder the meaning of life. The newage chillaxing trance music isnt helping either =/ Anyway, so i'm going to tell you whats on my mind here.. I emplore you to help me entertain and develop me life views. Welcome to the window into Dennis' mind. Is life.. (existential perspective here; in english, its basically the 'no god' or 'god is irrelevant' theory) a blank slate. Where you have to find your own passions, identity, loves, hates and change the world in your own unique way? If thats so, then that means that everyone has to find their own meaning of life. But by that logic, many don't ever find their meaning of existence. An empowering and encouraging thought at times, bleak at others. I like the feeling of having so much power I can carve my own 'life meaning' with these very hands.. Im into that whole 'humans have so much potential' shit.. Who knows, i've probaly attended too many 'I can' seminars. Is life.. a piece of shit. As in two molecules/cells (Whatever u call it) bumped into each other millions/billions of years ago and had a quickie in the dark thus making complex life. Then a couple of meteor strikes later, theres us. The series of alot and alot of coincedence and just the product of a series of events. With zero internal importance and meaning. If 5 billion ( world pop ) got wiped out tomorrow by a plague or a bomb, there would be no crying god, no karma fucking up on itself, no Muhammad the profit getting pi ssed at someone. It would just be another comma in the history of existence. The fact that our lives our are not ordained, important or even neccesary for existence is quite a depressing one. Shit im runnning out on tho ughts on life.. The apathetics/hedonistic/epicurianism approach. Life is short, probaly shit, fuck as much as you can and smoke whatever u can. Okay maybe the apathetics technically isnt the 'live this short life to the max, cause its ou r only one' approach, but screw you =] As far as the meanings of life can be take, this one isnt that bad. Like, if pleasure is the only thing worth striving for, it sounds like a life not exactly wasted. But I dont think just persuing pleasure is possible, you need pain to define positive experiiences. Plus, just persuing materialistic pleasures is bound to lead to disapointment often. shit im putting this up on my livejournal. most likely night ya'llz.
In my opinion, my purpose in life is this: Since I'm freaking awesome, and so my genes are super awesome, my purpose in life is to make as many little baby Michaels as possible, so they can band together and save the world in 30 or 40 years.
Oh I have the same view on life too I want to make lots of little ME so they can rule the world. To make it quicker I'll just have in vitro fertilization to have 8 or 9 babies at the same time. Then I will brain wash them and oblige them to make sure everyone in the world drinks red wine, eats pathé and stinky cheese (Yeah I'm French so I have to live with all these clichés).
Some people think that the world is going to end in 2012 i think that is a piece if crap and if the world does end in 2012 live your life out like there is no tomorrow
How about this... Ok, the meaning of life is that you should make the world better when you leave then when you came in here. Imrpove the world! Not that hard of a discussion.
I think life is something that you can't really explain. It is something that cannot be sensed, and I think you will never find out. And, people are always curious about how they die.