So, its pretty big consensus that TNT spies on places like this. Wouldnt it be awesome if someone from here could become employed at neo? I've thought about this before and looked up their application. They ask you a ton of questions about your neo account. I figured I didnt want to bring any attention to my main main so I just decided not to apply. It would be interesting to know if anyone had ever been employed by them. Imagine the juicy secrets they could tell us :funky:
Lol, espionage Neopets style its probably been done/ is happening right now. Even considering how many people play somethings must have been leaked else no-one would have ever figured them out. If I was a member of TNT I would probably leak anything if cornered by a determined 5/6 year old , kids are adorable I'd probably tell them anything they wanted to know
I know, but being employed in TNT is a job. First, you have to spend your time and dedication to look legit. Plus, if they find out, they could sue you because you signed papers probably not to leak anything This would probably be legal and could get fined and go to court for this :O
The worst they can do is sue you into bankruptcy if you got found out. That would probably improve MY credit score lol. They probably do credit checks though for programmer positions and such. I dont know how to program so best I could probably be is a board moderator or such lol. Tech support easily.
Well not sure how it is in America but in my jurisdiction I highly doubt a lawsuit of vs Mole regarding the leaking something like the bonju recipe would make it to court. You would probably lose your job but I don't think it would even qualify as leaking trade secrets. I can almost imagine a judge telling the plantiff "chill bro, its a game"
Besides the fact I'm 3 years too young, I've considered that before, too. And I actually would kind of want to work there in order to try to actually listen to players/get feedback/freeze those annoying boards ASAP.
Hehe, when you actually do it as a job you'll realize you completely stop caring. Enjoy not working, not working is a very good thing (not being unemployed mind you). Even doctors and nurses stop caring so I don't really blame people working at Neopets to lose their passion for it.
Hmm. I suppose that's completely possible. And I recognize that the filters employed are probably invaluable in saving time for the many people trying to get accounts not theirs and such, but yeah...I suppose I'm being rather idealistic.
Well, you might not go to court - but you're jobless, and it looks horrible in your job history. Who'd want to hire you knowing that you had a history of leaking sensitive information, albeit ones that didn't result in a direct financial loss?
Hmm, but won't some people take on a secret identity so that they don't get exposed? I might actually do that, heh. Although I don't really want to work for Neopets...