Anyone seen it? I loved it, and you didn't really have to see the first three to understand it, either. Haha, I love how there's a scene with an escalator, because I'm deathly afraid of joking... :yup: I liked it so much in fact, I'm seeing it again with my friends tomorrow. What did you think?
Didnt this movie just JUST come out? I liked the first two, but apprently i missed a third. Ive heard good reviews so far
The last of the Final Destination Series. I wanted to see this but couldn't get in lolol. It was showing in 3d as well. How was it for those who went to see it?
I watched the 3rd one and was absolutely disgusted. I usually don't like watching stuff like this on big screen;
I saw it a little while ago...It's a good movie!!Wont spoil anything here!! Mooie if you think final destination is disgusting go see The wrong turn series....
This movie had NO story and was just gruelsome deaths. The 3D was nice however the story was idiotic. The first Final Destination was very interesting and the last one was just dull.
I think the the whole final destination thing is pretty played out already it's allot like the SAW movies where you only go to see what new ways people will die this time.
The Final Destination, as in the latest one, Yea I agree. But the original was epic because it was a whole new interpretation of Horror films in the sense of a paranormal being with no physical appearance creating havoc. The last one was just not worth watching for the story line but the killings were okay. The same can be said about the new Freddy Cougar movie coming out; it is repetitive by far but Still I am going to watch it!
Most first run horror movies or the like do really well because they're ground breaking but most sequels fail to live up to the expectations because it's no longer ground breaking and the only way to compensate is for a good plot which for allot of movies like Final destination it's kinda hard to pull of because most people expect certain things from the movie, such as gruesome deaths and random plot twists.
You're right about the Saw movies; The first 3 were great. Each one had twists and turns that no one could see coming; the 4th was pretty horrible in terms of twists or too many twists that just confused you. I think the best sequels have to go to the Matrix. Although the last matrix had me a little confused too. Still to be honest from today's media I don't expect much because 90% of the movies are just B***sh*t.
Story was bad =/ the actual scenes though more graphically appealing were less realistic than the first couple final destinations. Please do not gravedig