So I was planning on getting the full lab set on one of my sides with 800k, and then realized that the price of a full map set is now 1.1m. What happened? lol
Well obviously the price went up XD But really I had the same question. I want another lab, but I don't have that much NP to spend right now...
Ugh, probably has something to do with the 10x score sending. xP Luckily, I got my Lab about a month ago.
yeah, hopefully the price comes down after a while. really? u think so? A lot of items are quite unaffected by the 10x score sends though...
Hehe... I remember buying my first map set for under 100k. Aaah, the good ol' days But they have inflated quite a bit eh? I've noticed that piece number 7 has raised about 20k by itself too.
Hopefully with Tarla it will deflate a bit, but I wouldn't expect it to be too much. My first lab map set only cost 120k. But with almost everything inflating, I wouldn't be surprised to see it raised some more in little time. It might be to your advantage to get it now.
Has the Lab Map ever actually gone back down after inflation? Things just seem to always rise, rarely fall >
Only when Tarla comes to the rescue or Random event madness(full of lab pieces).. But 10x score sending is inflating the prices more...
I have noticed the same thing. I've been playing for about a 2 years or so. but i quit for awhile, about 9 months ago. and EVERYTHING!! has inflated massivley!
Bought a lab map set as a Christmas present last night. Purchased 1M, didn't realize I needed all of it. Traded a Baby Pb+420k for it. It made a great gift none the less, and for only $3, you can't go wrong.