Spit made me a really cool sig last time, but it's not baseball season anymore. Spoiler Anyways, I would like something with a similar style(like how they come out of the pic), but for The Simpsons. Either the whole couch with all of them, bart alone, or homer alone would be good. Needs to say cackle on it somewhere, as well. +rep for all (serious) attempts
+rep'd all Gah, they're both so good and high quality. I don't know which to choose from. Hmm...Charles has the whole gang but Sapphire's has harry popper next to my name. ;/
Thanks for the signatures everybody. +rep'd all I got a .php script that changes the image...so just refresh and it will change tehe. :nerd: Thanks to Ricky92 and Zer0 for that, btw.