The Unofficial Freezerate Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by GrapeFruit, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    I've been noticing allot of people asking freeze rates for different programs/scripts and I thought that I might write a guide about it from my experience. I'll cover a few points for each program such as freeze rate and some tips to reduce it.

    Auto Buyers (Abers)
    Freeze Rate: Relatively High
    Auto buyers probably have the highest freeze rates amongst all the programs but it also has the highest profit potential.

    My General rules for abing:​

    1-Don't get greedy. I've been cheating for over 7 years on neopets and have been abing for almost as long and 95% of the time that I was frozen was because I got greedy and did something stupid like ran my aber abnormally long or tried to sell a big ticket item to fast which brings me to my next point:


    2-Be Patient. I have friends who started cheating at different times during my days of playing who unlike me were patient with their abing and did everything you should and because of it have accomplished whatever it is they wanted to accomplish and have since stopped cheating.

    Some tips:​
    -Be smart about when, where, and how you ab:
    *When: You want to look as human as possible which means not abing for extended periods of time and taking breaks/setting delay times.
    *Where: Different shops have higher freeze rates than others. If the shop is high profit the likely hood of it's items being watched is higher than for lower profit shops.
    *How: Like the "When" you want to look as human as possible. There are very few people who can restock 5+ MPs or the like a day you'll want to set a limit for yourself that looks realistic you have to think "If I were to actually restock today what would I be able to get?" and set that as your limit. You'll also want to change up your routine every now and then byt that I mean changing shops, changing your abing schedule do something so that it doesn't look like you're always doing the same thing. **Also best times to ab are usually weekends or HPD and if HPD lands on a weekend even better

    -Be smart about getting rid of your items:
    *Depending on what you're abing you might want to set certain guidelines about when to sell especially on big ticket items(1m+ profit). Example of some of my guidelines:

    1m Profit: Store on side for 4 days before selling on main/reseller account
    15 common items that sell at 10k each: Sell off 5 every couple hours
    10m+ Profit: Store on side for 2 weeks before selling and be sure to have a good story on how it was obtained(ie: Traded for, Reseller, etc)

    Igloo Buyer (Iglooer)
    Freeze Rate: Pretty Low
    Pretty much the same as abing just doing it for the igloo

    Some tips:​
    You basically want to treat it the same as a regular main shop aber and look as human as possible. Although igloo isn't as watched you can get away with abing for a little longer and getting ris of things a bit quicker. Just try to be smart and when in doubt just follow my abing tips/guidelines and you'll be fine ;)

    Score Senders (SSers)
    Freeze Rate: Relatively Low
    Score sending is a very good way to make NP especially if you're not to worried about making huge amounts of NP(You can but it increases the freeze rate :p)

    My General Rule for SSing:​

    1- Always check your lists and be sure that they are updated nothing will get you frozen faster for SSing then getting 25 scores reviewed -_- I cannot stress this enough always make sure your lists are up to date and don't get reviewed getting reviewed will almost always get you iced.

    Some tips:​
    -Look as human as possible, it's very hard for someone to sit down and play those crappy neopets games for 6 hours. Either have multiple small lists and run them at different times or just have a small list to run in general

    -Change/Rotate your lists every now and then change up the times or scores or run different games on the list try not to have a routine.

    -If you're going for trophies make sure you know the review times for the games, allot of the time when it goes to be reviewed you get iced. Some things you can do if you have to send a score that gets reviewed is make your account look like it worked it's way up to be that good in the game, send some low scores then gradually increase the score then make it random, just make it look like a person was actually playing the games and getting better at it

    Account Makers
    Freeze Rate: Relatively Low
    If you really want that army of shells ;)

    -If at all possible try to make every account on a different email and proxy most I'd do per proxy/IP is 5 accounts any more than that might look suspicious

    Auto Adopters (AAers)
    Freeze Rate: Pretty Dang Low
    Auto adopting is really great for getting those pets you've always wanted and freeze rate is as stated pretty dang low.

    Only thing I need to say about AAing is make it look human, don't leave the program running for 3 weeks trying to get a Krawk you'll get iced although I will say I have had points in time where I ran an AAer for a week straight multiple times and did not get iced. So just be smart about it

    Freeze Rate: Pretty Dang Low
    Makes a decent amount of NP but it's all luck.

    Only thing I have to say is pretty much the same as using an AAer, look human and don't leave it running for 2 weeks

    Grease Monkey Scripts (GM Scripts)
    Freeze Rate: Depends on the script but most are relatively low
    There are some very useful scripts out there :D

    It really depends on the script and what you're doing, just make it look human.

    That's pretty much it if there are any programs/other cheating stuff that I missed or if you have something to add feel free to post it here or PM me and I will gladly add it to the guide if it makes sense.
    LightTiger, brisk, Resu and 3 others like this.
  2. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Nice work. But with abing, the risk is situational. I wouldn't rate the total freeze rate as relatively high. You can ab quite alot in the lower risk shops and not get caught (eg chocolate).

    As for the Igloo, the risk for that is extremely low. I think that should be included there.

    And are score senders really low risk? I thought that they were risky, you need to be careful with your sending times, making sure the score is compatible with the game, and review scores. And weren't TNT more careful about score sending?
  3. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
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    spider & refresher are high freeze rate
  4. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I got frozen for SS. The secret is don't let your score be reviewed (check a score list first). I was trying to get a couple sets of avatars but one game blew me off (i can't remember which one).
    But if the score is not reviewed then...pretty low freeze rate (about 5% during the week and 2-3% during weekend).
    And yeah, they used to be more careful about scores but not anymore ;)
  5. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    That's true about abing being situational but I think when most people start abing they want to try go for big money items because all they ever hear about on the boarda when people post is "OMG Thers's an aber in magic/stamp/(insert high profit shop here) buying up EVERYTHING" so most people would want to try and get in on the action. Although that's not always the case, from what I've seen through many forums is abing being one of the major causes for cheaters being frozen. As for the igloo I knew I forgot something I should put that in there :p Score senders are indeed pretty low risk the only times you get caught is with a crappy list that either gets you reviewed or your randoms aren't that random and you end up with the same score/time being sent every time.

    Are you sure? Have you had allot of accounts being frozen for using refreshers or spidering? From my experience I have only ever been iced once for suing a refresher/spiderer(and I've been iced ALLOT). Has tnt started to be more attentive or what? Post/PM me back I'd like to get more info :D
  6. Resu

    Resu Level III

    Jan 6, 2009
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    About the spiderers/refreshers, I used to use them a lot and I never got frozen for using them. Just to let you know. I think that those who always get frozen just let it run too much ;)
  7. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Yeah that's always been my experience but since I haven't used a refresher in a while and it seemed like totg had been using one and gotten frozen recently I might take a look at what he was saying.
  8. Bhaskard

    Bhaskard Newbie

    Dec 6, 2009
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    thanks for the advice. i started using scripts just today n its nice to know the risk factors!!!!
  9. josh

    josh Level I

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Thanks man, This is some really useful information. Appreciate it.
  10. l2ockstar

    l2ockstar Newbie

    Dec 14, 2009
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    Very interesting. Never realized you could do all that stuff.
    And to think, all this time I've been playing like a square. :[
  11. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Hey, So I just downloaded AU4, and it's been working like a charm. The one thing I'm worried about though, is once the shop restocks and it starts to AB an item, if it's able to, it will restock multiples of the same thing. Is this a red flag for TNT? Or can a user legitly restock multiples, by being fast enough?
  12. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Depends on the item but usually multiples are no problem as legit people can do the same thing.
  13. swgginswagga

    swgginswagga Newbie

    Sep 13, 2009
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    Just one thing, don't use an account maker alot on a day like poogle day (where you get a LE)
  14. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Well the item restocks with like around 20 at a time and has a profit of about 15k so it's not that big of an item.. so I guess it's normal :)
  15. brisk

    brisk Level I

    Sep 15, 2009
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    I decided to give this a try, I went for the AA, I found nice pets, and ran it for around 2 hours every 3 days, you just need to know when to run it.
  16. Zekey*

    Zekey* Level I

    Jun 27, 2008
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    How long is a good time to run my ab?

    I ran mine for 4 hours and got frozen-.-

    Ah well, only a week account i suppose
  17. Diamond

    Diamond Level I

    Feb 18, 2010
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    I think this is a fantastic guide.
    Me, being a newbie have always stuck to the rules.
    Actually not really, I have made about 25 accounts.
    I don't remember the birthdates or usernames of all of them so I don't really use them. But I create account to grab good usernames sometimes.
  18. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
    Thanks for the guide, good to know the relative risk of cheating. 8D
    Might pull out some of those programs that I hardly use now -cough- igloo.
  19. hszmv

    hszmv Newbie

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Good Guide. Wish I had read something like this sooner. My only question is to what "risk" would be given to Money Tree Grabbers?
  20. akatsukibug

    akatsukibug Level I

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Basically, it's all about looking legit and being realistic. I've been running my ABer on a 55month year old account for 12 hours. I don't know if that's human but I try to take breaks in between