Things to note when making a program?

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by ricothegreat221, May 8, 2009.

  1. ricothegreat221

    ricothegreat221 Level II

    May 8, 2009
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    I'm thinking I might make a simple program and upload it to NF :D. So I have a question: What are some things to keep in mind when making it? What I'm wondering specifically, is how to work the cookies. Can I just open a cookie jar and trust that? Will the user agent be checked? Essentially, what safeguards do I need to work around. Hopefully somebody who has discovered this already can fill me in ;).

    I have, uh, little to no experience cheating Neopets, I used to play by the rules to the T, then deviated a bit by blocking the images of junk at the shops, etc. But it's still boring. Neo doesn't really seem interesting anymore unless you have loads of np, and then it's only kinda fun (since they seem to be neglecting the only cook part, the battledome!). I think this might spice it up, lol. So do most people go through proxies--- should I make sure I have support for that? Do most people have a bajillion accounts, and should I make sure I support that too? Any tips would be very much appreciated :S.

    Also, do you earn forum cash for uploading something? Just wondering!


    Edit: Shoot... I forgot to move up before posting. If somebody could move this to the appropriate place I'd appreciate it!
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Hi, nice to see another programmer here on :)

    Let's see if I can answer some of those questions:
    You generally don't have to worry about cookies if you are using an existing HTTP wrapper. The wrapper should take care of cookies and referer URLs for you, so all you have to do is have the program go through sequences of pages. If you want to write/modify a wrapper, you should ask someone who programs in your language for advice/help.

    So yeah, moving more towards implementation... Most people don't use proxies regularly, however a few dedicated people use them all the time to cheat on side accounts. Proxy support shouldn't be a first priority, but its a handy feature that you can and should add once the main program is done. Most people don't multi-account, or when they do, its usually only a few so multi-account support isn't really necessary. However, if you want to make your program all awesome, its also a pretty nice feature to have.

    You don't automatically earn forum cash for uploading programs, but mods will usually award a nice wad of cash for doing so.

    Good luck :)
  3. ricothegreat221

    ricothegreat221 Level II

    May 8, 2009
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    Excellent, excellent. I'm not 100% sure I want to go through with this whole becoming a virtual outlaw thing, but I think a few more hours of sitting on Neo going "Wow this is boring" might push me over lol.

    Thanks for the answers. How would you add proxy support? Would you basically choose a proxy website, and then fill in their form to get to Neo, and then fill out that form?

    Ah! And one more thing! What known detection methods does TNT use? Are there any really genius ones to watch out for? Because otherwise I can't think of how they could tell one HTTP request from another, as long as your referrers and timers were in order.