Looong topic name i know hahaha, but I was just wondering. What are some things you are told to do to reduce icing risk.. that honestly you just cbf. For example, i browse NFnet and neopets simultaneously (rebel i know). Also, i AB daily on my main (though i think this is actually a good thing, seeing as ive never been iced) Yours?
I ab igloo on 5 accounts made on the same ip everyday. All the items are sent to my main by the trade post. I have atleast 4 accounts on for 12 hours+ a day.
Let's see I SS for Avvies, AB on my main, 30+ UBs for trade, 'Power' Kad feed, post on the boards =P. And all unseen by TNT =D ~parisdirt
haha, i'm not a cheater that uses abers and sser, but what i do to get myself iced....is make ten accounts and get dailies on allllll of them
I always push my luck with my usernames lol they're usually all pretty bad, besides that I AB, SS, Power Kad, Inflate slightly, etc.
AB lots.. loved ABing Gourmet Cooking For Your Pet when they were worth 1m+ SS for BTU and random trophy games
I switch between my 3 accounts constantly, on which I do dailies, and AB do we have a kad feeder program on this site? I'd love to get my hands on that edit: found it, although it took a while since I didn't know where it was kept
Let's see, one time the word filters went down so I filled my post with every curse word imaginable, but only got suspended. I also said I spent NP on hookers and blow once, and only got warned. When I had first started neopets, I had a few accounts I'd play easy games on, buy a few codestones, and send them all to my main. I never got in trouble for that, either, even though it had to have been extremely obvious. I pretty much behave for the most part, now.
Using a SS on multiple accounts with a time of only about 1 second for most of the games. Then sending on the NP to a storage account. The accounts I've used the SS on are usually frozen within a few days, but my storage account has remained safe.
saying "gonna go RS now" on a board on neopets when the account i am saying it on is currently RS banned.
This will probably be a dumb question, But how would I get away with doing dailies on more then my main (and not using my 4 sides) Would setting up a new email, creating more accounts and doing them on there and making a "storage" account work? What about the IP address? Sorry i'm just confused haha. I've been on Neo forever, and love love my main and it's UC mynci's.