Tips for autobuying from main shops!!

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by assasin, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Many of the points which i am going to put here are already known to many and might have been told many times before. I am just adding my perspective on the points, which I think will matter for avoiding the ban hammer. All these are from my own experiences and slip ups.

    Restocking items which you can sell in shops (<99999 np) is always the best and safer way to make consistent nps. Using trading post and auctions bring a lot of attention to your accounts and you dont want that. I am not against buying unbuyables but they are a lot more dangerous when it comes to freeze rate.

    Act like a legit restocker. If a person buys an unbuyable would he keep refreshing the shops for more items. And dont restock ridiculous amount of unbuyables in one session. I would turn off my autobuyer once I get 1-2 unbuyables. You might argue that you lose much profit. But which is worse; losing profit or getting your account frozen. More often than not i lost my account after buying 4-6 unbuyables in the same session.

    Do not put up your unbuyables right away in trades or auctions. People notice that kind of things and it is bad because it brings attention to your account. People have even mailed me for putting items that they missed.

    Do not run your autobuyer overnight. Initially it might seem like a good idea raking in profits but eventually you will be frozen. I have lost a lot of accounts doing overnight abing. About 2 hrs a day is my max. Anything over 4 hrs will look suspicious. You can use TeamViewer app for remote accessing your desktop/laptop from your iphone. This is a great tool for abing when you are outside.

    Autobuying in short intense bursts has worked well for me. Like having fast refresh rates for 20 mins and then stopping for 20-30 mins. You will get restock banned sooner but hopefully before that you would have snagged a good amount of profitable items.

    If you dont get much items on a particular day, its just not your lucky day. Do not prolong your ab session for this reason. Law of averages will catch up and you will get a good abing day.

    Normally my buy times are around 1500ms-1800ms for those who want to know. Never buy anything less than 1000ms.

    Your ping to neopets server is more important that your dl/ul speed. Your ping time decides your buy time as now a days almost everybody has good ul/dl speeds. For people who are having slow ping times try to get a VPN or a cloud service close to neopets servers to improve your buy times.

    Neopets server is in New York. To test your ping time go to and select a New York server. Good pings are <100ms.

    That is all I have and sorry for the long post. If others have any input regarding this or other tips, tell by all means. All the best and may you never get frozen :)
  2. Mastercjb

    Mastercjb Level IV

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Another great tip for making np and hits on the same stuff you were talking about is dont be greedy. Honestly i would rather only buy from the attic and igloo to be safe. I have had many accounts over the lasts 11 years or so and autobuying in main shops has always caught up with me until i focused on other things than main shops. I have made billions off the attic and igloo over many accounts. I just make yourself look legit and be persistent.
  3. akatsukibug

    akatsukibug Level I

    Jul 10, 2013
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    Some good advice.
    I would second the part about not overusing the ABer, especially when you aren't getting good restocks.

    Generally people would be tempted to continue ABing when they don't "hit" anything, but I would just AB for 1-2 hours per day and stop, regardless of what was received.
  4. sabuna

    sabuna Level I

    Jul 11, 2013
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    Thanks for these!
  5. crashtestdummies

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Just gotta add, don't browse neo while the aber is running. I fell victim to that once.
  6. eric11

    eric11 Level I

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Thanks for the tips!
  7. zstuck

    zstuck Newbie

    Aug 3, 2013
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    Just linger at a shop, clear it with select items and REALLY sapce out your refresh/restock time tbh.
  8. 3dee

    3dee Level III

    Nov 12, 2006
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    Isn't 1500ms kind of fast for human speed? I prefer 3000+ms for extra safety.

    Great tips though, essentially, don't get greedy and you should be pretty safe.
  9. ub0r

    ub0r Level III

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Some solid advice. I feel victim to greed many-a-times - that is the quickest and surest way to getting yourself iced.