[Homepage] http://www.neopets.com/ and [Inventory] http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=inventory won't load. [Tombola] http://www.neopets.com/island/tombola.phtml It keep needing 1NP donation.
Dude that's boring. I have to say, the only good pranks were when people were on the neoboards crying IM QUITTTINGGGG
they changed how the bank looks and the theme of the site. and yeah, the whole neoplants thing MUST be a prank xD it's sad that it's what they can come up with :b
This year's April Fool Prank is just lame. D= The only one that I was on Neo for that really sticks in my mind is the year they decided to supposedly charge you NPs for each page load.
The plantopia thing they made has got to be the worst april fools prank I've ever seen. I mean, I know it's pretty hard to do an april fools joke nowadays, and I know that this was expected...but they really blew me away by how stupid that was. It's like they weren't even trying. But the Tombola prank was awesome if you ask me took me 3 donations to realize what they did
Oh yeah, I remember that one :O ! I didn't check my calendar so I was pissed when it kept taking NP from me everywhere I go. Anyways, from what I hear, it was pretty lame. I didn't get on on April Fools…lame, TNT is just stupid now.
NEOCHARGE!!!!!!! i loved that one, although i was a bit scared at the time i loved how they gave an avie for it as well
This year's prank was dreadful, whatever happened to the awesome ones, like the 150+ new pets they said they were going to add? I remember Llamameya and Hughmon, lol