What happens if TNT finds this site and signs up like dls everything so he can figure out to block it.. Its not good and if any one's neopets name is on the members list he could ice them... This thought popped into my head a few seconds ago.. please tell me what you guys think.
well if i was TNT thats what i would do. however they prolly think they'll just catch us eventually anyway with their automated freezer things and work on neopets rather than mess with us.
I agree with Xstrage theres a lot of neopets forums out there - with much more neopets players, they'll probably be concentrating on those sites before they even come near here.
they could do that ,but they can freeze us for abing anyway so they arent gonna waste there time with sites
hehe ya that is so true. We'd just amke new abers, even better ones, and they'd probably have trouble figureing out it was an aber at all.
:shock: This brings back memories... I used to be a part of this other forum, like this one. Except this thing was huge. Member lists were in the thousands. Yea, it was eventually caught. Remind you, I like to emphasize HUGE.... and was years ago.
I doubt they would even notice a forum like this until it got into thousands of users - after all they habve literally millions of users and other things to watch. I really wouldn't worry too much.
You might be surprised about how many small forums have been shut down in the past by threats of legal action. And all just because they had a few programs for their members to cheat Neopets with... Better safe than sorry...