TNT reset my age on my main and sides to under 13!! I contacted them about it, and I'm waiting for a reply... I think it's because I said "Im 12 what is this?" on the boards. Are they retarded?? I thought everyone knew that joke? It says I'm 17 in my lookup, for christ's sake!
That's what you get for spouting idiotic memes where they don't belong. I think Airuku is a pretty cool guy. eh lieks memes and doesn't afraid of anything.
It was just because it was the middle of the night and someone made a '12-14 board". Give me a break, especially seeing as you just used one yourself, hypocrite much?
Yeah, no need to be a jerk about it. People seeing this will know not to joke about age themselves, so it's not like I'm just being a useless idiot, or something.
Never said you were. Take it easy. Just having some meme fun. But yes, neopets is generally not the type of place where you can get away with sarcasm. Bunch of nazis, yea?
Yeah, pretty much, only reason I started joining sites like this. I knew I'd get iced for something eventually, why not give them a good reason?
Wooah, take it easy children. I think one of the Mods, Tracy or something, has a spoiler with TNT Staff emails. They may never reply to the one you sent them, so try emailing them directly
Lol, if I spelled "as" wrong by making an ab or pressing the s twice, that would be an automatic ice. TNT is a little too catious with these kinds of gets annoying
Yeah i try my best to avoid tnt. Its too much hastle especially with little pointless things like this...
Well, they emailed me... I have to fax them a picture of my drivers license along with my usernames...
Thats crazy. Drivers license and accounts. Wait, I dont know about your country, but do you have driver licenses at age 17?! Argh, thats just crazy.
Yeah, I think TNT hates me. They're always freezing me, or suspending me for no reason. I've never even been warned for cheating, but if I post anything on the neoboards they're all over me.
That's sad, I once said I was 11 on the guild messages, but I'm really not, they never saw it, so I'm still over 13.
Well, I know that where I live, what you can do is you can get a learner's permit as early as 15, but you have to, among other things, be 16 and to have taken driver's ed somewhere to get the actual license. But for like a year after that there are a few restrictions on driving.
I personally, think that tnt just has to much time on their hands. I sent them a formal letter of complaint last week after i was warned twice (on my 7yr old main account) once, for giving my best wishes to a guild mates work friend because he came in contact with swine flu. and again for talking in my adult guild about expecting a baby. Really? I cant believe it. No one in our guild is under 25!!! Id love to hear what TNT has to say in response to my "Were adults... what the heck are we aloud to talk about then? Only things that involve sunshine and rainbows? Ive been quite upset w/ TNT these days... like i said before, i dont think they have anything bettter to do except lurk the boards and warn/ice user for the stupidest things these days. I miss old Neo ... Back on topic: You, deffinitly gotta watch what you say anywhere There watching... always watching... *flips tnt off*