So I've been surfing the net recently, looking for other Neo sites. Suddenly I found someone who had created a portal.. you would log in to it and then you would get a lot of NP... The person says if you log in in his portal then it sends a request from that portal to the Neopet's server.. bypassing the encryption so you could actually get money. Now the thing is.. there are a lot of scams that look like these.. but when I look at the comments they are quite positive, do you think it's worth to try it? If I'd do it I'd probably do it on a side, though.. never on my main. It looks kinda fishy to me..
ALL fake login pages are scams. The site you are looking at is a fake portal which grabs your username and password. Don't trust ANY of the pages like that.
Yes, of course I know that.. It's just those comments that make me hesitate. And what does 'court marshaling' mean?
It means you should be taken out to the field and shot, Herr Major. Any page like that is a scam.. and those comments are definitely just created by the maker on different accounts. No one who has been hacked would say 'This site is great! It only stole my account and gave me nothing in return! Use it!'
Ah yes, thanks for the replies.. that was what I was thinking as well. Well, it was too good to be true :arf: