todays my bday!! yay!!! ok so its wed but its cloes enough to midnight as far as im conserened! lol! 8) (i like gifts lol)
Happy birthday ! . this should be posted in the spam section tho.. kinda a pointless topic. ( not saying yor bday ispointless im just saying )
been online all day cuz im not really doing aything 4 it but its been fun talking to ppl! didnt get any gifts cuz i didnt do anything 4 it. my friends were all working. hung around neo all day. i dont like the new bday sidebar. its retarded looking. i like the sidebar pics they had. u never see that thing way down in the corner. the old layout was much nicer in many ways. now i dont think ill bother trying to get any of the themes. 1 neofriend got me a few things about 5k worth. other than that nothing going on. no real good randoms. not many randoms at all actually. they should give u free stuff on ure bday from tnt. that would be so cool! no1 would ever feel left out that way. ETA: i thought this belonged in the general section because its not spam it is a real topic, just not neo related which to my knowladge is wat this section is for. spam is like ads & stuff.