The higher your score, the better the items. White Top Chop Robe White Top Chop Trousers, and a colored belt, depending on your score. There is also a black set of robes.
Ah thanks for this. I might actually be motivated to try this game now. I'm kinda glad they're bringing back flash games that can give you items.
Bringing back flash games that can give items? Which other flash games do give items then? Aside from the games of the Daily Dare event I don't know any games that give items...
Bringing back the good old days..? The magical plushies and dubloons from flash games? I think that the score will be so low that these items are selling for sub-100np pretty soon, however.
neo used to give items out away when you get a certain score on a certain game. I remember they used to give out Dubloons on Deck Swabber. And, correct me if im wrong, Neggs on Meerca Chase. im not sure of this but im totally sure on the deckswabber part.
I could only score as far as the white belt. xD I'm ready for someone to make a scar or trainer for this game. x)
I have heard about the dubloons but I was referring to the bringing back games that give items part as I don't know any game aside from Top Chop that gives you items (now).
Thanks for this, i didn't even get a belt, i don't think. They should make more games give out items,
I think this would be the case in the end regardless of what the required score was. Score senders + Top Chop = unlimited item farming = high surplus + low prices
Your best bet was to try sell the items first time the game went live, because they will just go down further and further until they are junk items.