Why do I see so many people stating "Neomail me offers. All bids on this lot will be rejected and I will add you to the blocked list."? I figure there must be some real reason, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.
I dont really know... maybe they are avatar hunting and they want the neomail avatar -- they can reply to everyone who has done an offer?
That seems a little extreme... who would rather get a Neomail avatar than sell multi-million neopoint items easily?
Could be because people will pruposefully bid crap on people's items on the off chance that they make a mistake and accept instead of reject. Plus, it means that only people who are truly interested in the item will bid. I always thought this made a lot of sense, no?
Well, I see people selling same item I am on occasion, and they have this up, and it's confusing. I mean, these are HTS items, you should be excited about any offer. If I get an offer i don't lke I neomail the person and try to get more out of them... Not the other way around.
I dunno... suppose you're one of those people that only wants Neomail offers - then someone Neomails you and says "I'll give you 10 mill for that!" and that sounds like a good deal to you - wouldn't the next step STILL be where the guy makes an official 10 mill NP offer through the trade post? Which is kinda right back where you started?
Just thought of something else, what if someone has decided not to neomail anymore? Or maybe they're under 13? You're just making it even harder to sel...
The highest offer you can make in the tp is 800k so you take the item he wants down and you put it up in the auctions for 10mil... if it's and item over 800k you have to neomail the person to see the full offer if they're buying in pure...
I never quite understood that either. But I've noticed those are for lots where there are more than one item, each usually costing a lot. I guess they do it so they can block more 'noobs' and also not take time to reject offers that are obviously not enough. But, that's just my thinking. :yup:
...Nobody has addressed my original reasoning, and I think it is still very valid: While it makes the process slightly more involved for potential buyers, this slight increase in complexity weeds out crap offers and people trying to give you inflated items of v. HTS items. Having people send you a neomail makes the buyers aware that you will be thoroughly checking all offers and so stupid ones just aren't worth anyone's time... If you have any thoughts that are counter to this argument, please voice them. Otherwise, I declare myself the winner of this thread.
They could be unsure of a good price, or the item/combined items are expensive and worth well over any amount that you could bid. Some people are collectors, and like to see what items people have to offer. These kinds tend to be difficult to compromise with, unless the items happen to be what they're collecting (most look for R90s and up, R101s tend to get you nowhere). If you are looking for an item you are better off finding another trade to offer directly on. If you are completely desparate, mail and ask what their price/item range is, and you can try to negotiate.