Transferring Neopoints & Items guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by ladies_boy_1986, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. ladies_boy_1986

    Feb 2, 2009
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    This guide is based on my personal experience..have been transferring items & neopoints this way and i still hasn't have any accounts frozen due to this..but this way takes time, lots of time..

    When i AB any items that are worth tons of NPs, i keep them for quite a number of weeks, maybe a month or so..for example when i AB a r99 stamp, i keep it for a month in my inventory, doing nothing with it.

    For Items
    1st, I log in the acc with the item on Firefox, then my main on Chrome..
    2nd, I just create a trade with the r99 stamp+a couple of things that i AB from Igloo then i offer on the trade using my main almost immediately (i look for the trade by browsing the newest 20)..i'll then offer say 400k+++ (usually i just randomly press my numberpad meaning something like 482911)..
    3rd, I go back to my Firefox and accept the trade..

    Been using this method ever since my main was frozen about a year ago when i just started far so good..none has been frozen..for the transferring of neopoints, it is even simpler..for example if i really do sell my r99 stamp for 10M, i will keep the money on the side for a month or so then this is wat i would do

    For Neopoints
    1st, same as above, I log in the acc with the item on Firefox, then my main on Chrome..
    2nd, i put a few different scratchcard in my main account's shop and i price it at 80k+ or 90k+ (same as above, i randomly press my numpad)..then i'll use my Firefox account (side acc) to go to my user lookup and buy the items from my main acc shop..(the sum don't usually add up to over 500k at any one time)
    3rd, i usually transfer the neopoints straight out of the till and delete the sales history..

    it does seems like to me that neopets do not really see it as illegal when the transaction happens when both the accounts are online and active..

    Hope this simple guide will be of help to u guys..

    would be great if someone can gimme a feedback on this..remember, the waiting time seems kinda important to me, try waiting for at least 2-3weeks before u transfer a large some of neopoints or a expensive item..
  2. ninjitzumaster

    ninjitzumaster Level III

    Nov 9, 2007
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    This seems like a quick way to get frozen to me. It doesn't matter what browser you're using, TNT can see that you are logging in from and using the same IP address for both accounts. I've used the shop transfer method, but never just logging into different browsers on the same IP. I've always used different computers and set up with proxies.

    I'm not sure how you haven't been popped yet, maybe if you're only transferring small items or amounts. This certainly wouldn't work for a high end BD item if you're transferring from an abing shell to a main, or for moving a large number of expensive items.

    Just saying, this system is pretty obvious to TNT if you do nothing to hide your IP address and just log into two accounts from the same computer at the same time. People use this method to transfer legit items to their legit sides, but it is by no means a reliable method to protect illegitimate transfer.
  3. dayvus

    dayvus Level I

    Jan 28, 2013
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    yeah i dont think the care much what browser you're using

    isnt it even more suspicious for someone to be buying a scratchcard for 90k?
  4. jvance08

    jvance08 Level II

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Newbie here--when you say you use a proxy, do you just mean you access neopets through a site like Also, how do you go about transferring the items inconspicuously?
  5. Lizard

    Lizard Level II

    Mar 22, 2013
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  6. NorkLaw

    NorkLaw Level I

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Well its useful some way. thanks :3
  7. Jrevil

    Jrevil Level I

    Mar 28, 2013
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    confusing... speak english please LOL
  8. Lizard

    Lizard Level II

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Not quite sure what you don't understand, but retyped the methods for you (click the spoiler):

    For Items
    1. Log into the side account (the one that has the item you want to transfer) on the Firefox browser.
    2. Log into the main account (the one you want the item on) on the Chrome browser.
    3. Create a trade on the first account with the rare item, plus a few things bought from Igloo.
    4. Look up the trade on your main account (Can be done by using the 'Newest twenty' Trading Post link if you are quick). Place an offer on the trading lot.
    5. Go back to the first account with the Firefox Browser and accept the trade offer you just made with your main.

    For Neopoints
    1. Same as the first step for items. Log into the side account (the one you want to transfer NPs from) on the Firefox browser.
    2. Log into the main account (the one you want to transfer NPs to) on the Chrome Browser.
    3. Put a few different scratchcards on your main account's shop, pricing them at 80k+ or 90k+.
    4. Using the firefox browser and your side account, navigate to the user lookup of your main account. Visit the shop and buy the scratchcards.
    5. On your main account, get the NP from your shop till. Immediately clear the sales history afterwards.

    Hope that helps.

    Personally the trading post method looks a bit dodgy to me, if you are trading off items worth millions of neopoints and accept an offer of a few hundred thousand it might look dodgy.
  9. yoyobee

    yoyobee Level II

    Apr 20, 2013
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    why are ppl getting frozen for transferring NP? i gave my friend 100k and nothing happens ._. why can't we give NP to other ppl? and same IP does not mean it is using the same computer ?_?
  10. jvance08

    jvance08 Level II

    Feb 8, 2013
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    Giving neopoints isn't freezable, but certain patterns make it look suspicious. I.e., no correspondance via neomail, no reciprocation, one account looking legit and the other looking like a shell, etc. And 100k is not a lot of neopoints to move. Most people who get caught are transferring upwards of 5mil at a time.
  11. Icarus

    Icarus Level II

    Apr 8, 2013
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    North Cali
    Thanks for posting this guide. :)
    VERY helpful!