So I'm planning to SS on side accounts and transfer them to a fake main. I think I'll transfer NP by trades instead of shop because it is faster (and also cheaper as I'm getting a program for that). But I have some questions.. do you ever have been frozen for transferring NP by trades? Because I might choose for shop then when trades get you frozen.
I'm pretty sure it's the same risk if you're transferring them via shop or trade. Either way they can trace it..
As far as I know trades, everyone can see the transfer. Shops, as long as you clear your Sales History afterwards it's untraceable. (After all, TNT figures you wouldn't want to transfer millions by buying items from yourself, considering how long it takes.)
I think they mean that when you put a trade up it's viewable to everyone at the Trading Post, and I assume a log is kept that TNT can review of items moved and which accounts they went to, whereas shop buying is untraceable as long as the sales history is cleared.
I'm almost sure that TNT still can track you after you cleared your sales history. But I have to think about the transferring again then... :arf:
ok, you've asked the right person. Trades is MUCH higher ice. I've been iced many times transfering though trade, but NEVER through shops. you'd think it'd be the same, but it appears TNT doesn't moniter shops... but they closley moniter trades. I would strongly suggest shop as apose trades, as trades will most likely get you iced... at least thats what my studies have proven. i've heard the same from many other people too...
Thanks a lot for that answer, Heya Finally someone who has quite some experience with it. I think I'll use the shop then.. costs more time but better be safe than being impatient and getting frozen :arf: PS: you got 1337 cash
psh... of course i do i always do also, use random numbers. if you ever buy an account from me, you'll see my items are priced at like, 48,683 or 86,396. it makes it appear more legit compared to 99,999 lol. wether it takes more time or not, i'd rather get 500k transfered safely in 5 minutes compared to 2 mil transfered in 5 minutes then iced, lol. always better safe then sorry
Yeah, that is what I meant. And I don't doubt TNT can still track your shop history, but of the millions of shops there are, plus people transferring around their own legit neopoints/items from their sides to their mains and the suchlike, the chances of them checking your shop in particular is pretty slim. (As opposed to auctions, where everyone who wants to can literally see the transaction, and Trading Post, where I read somewhere that TNT checks all trades with the maxed out 800k in pure, though I semi-doubt that.)
trades can be traced back more easily i think...but meh so can anything... what i would do is keep everything on the sides until the weekend and then transfer to your main and self ice the sides
Thanks for the advice. That was what I wanted to do except for the icing part. Do you think that TNT will notice it when I'm getting new accounts and play on the same proxies?
I prefer to transfer slow and be safe than transfer fast and get iced. And auctions.. that's like the worst option, it gets everyones attention, especially when it's me who bids on all those auctions :lol: