wow looks nice... wounder how much they are going to cost lol how much do the woodland pbs go for these days?
The potions are only r98? That's going to deflate the PBs really fast. Which is good, because prices are ridiculous now I'll be sure to add them to my list, thank you ^^
2 more potions to add to the plethora of newly released ones. TNT is going a little crazy with releasing potions as of late.
gosh..i 2nd post twice in the same day. LOL! sorry for the mistakeS mods . anyway, how much did the last woodland PB went for?
Maybe they should increase the random encounter rate of potions because I haven't gotten a single one ever hehe
hmm forgot to add this, the woodlands peo looks pretty cool. maybe if its crossed with other PB clothings it will be even better.
Not big on the Woodlands we already have, but excited for more. I'm surprised by how many MPs TNT has released recently.
I can almost assure you that this will never happen. TNT likes to keep some colors sacred and would never make a MP for Robot pets. Heck, you can't even get a Robot pet from the Fountain Faerie. The lab will most likely remain the only method to get a robot pet.