There are two new board smilies available, but we suggest that you do not use them, as one of them features the evil entity known as m- *gets gagged and taken away* Introducing... *feepit* <-- code to get the image on NeoBoards Annnnnd *meepit* <-- code to get the image on NeoBoards Happy Posting!
*fangirlscream* 'TIS A MEEPIT SMILEY! KYA~! Here's where I'd commence overusing that smiley, except that I've decided to ban myself from the Neo boards so Neo won't drain time (besides how time consuming coding is, since I'm still letting myself do that ;D) away from schoolwork.
Wait, I actually like those smileys. Niiiceee. These new petpet smileys are 100000x better than some that already exist.. Like come on now... such an improvement.
Those are pretty intense. I seriously think I'll use them, opposed to the other crappy petpet ones xD