i used to make my own but now that the estimated values are taken off on neoitems i really don't wanna take the time to look up each individual item....can someone send me updated lists if they have them??? especially noob lists r79 and under cuz i have a 1 day old account
look in the level 2 private chat under ab lists.. there updated.. also look in the downloads section and find the Huge List Package(10 cash). The lists in the huge package is updated i think.. :|
yes i know about that but it would be much easier to have them all saved then to copy and paste....the list package is from july 07 it says
http://items.jellyneo.net Use their "Advanced search" feature. The values are fairly accurate there. You can filter by rarity and stuff. Then use their "View printer friendly list" button and copy paste to notepad. Easy peasy!
It will always be better if you can manage to put some time to update AB lists for your own. You can easily handle any kind of AB lists following this guide : neopets-information-f82/guide-how-to-make-an-ab-list-t20762.html Good luck !
Is there a way to copy and paste it so that it's formatted correctly? its pasted as one big jumble, instead of one item per line
Clicking on "printer friendly checklist" helps a little. Copy and paste into a text document and just add spaces where needed. Edit: I just now looked at the AB making guide and saw what I suggested.. whoops.