I'm upgrading my E1705. Where do I start? Yeah, Neweggs for deals and such. Looking to upgrade HDD. I'm pretty sure max ram for E1705 is 2GB and thats what I bought the computer with, so there's no use in replace it, right? Just tell me what all I should buy. EDIT: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6822136314 My guess it this one ^. I just need some reassurance.
First of all; get a 640/320 HD rather than a 500/250. The 640/320 ones have faster load times (due to higher density/platter). So. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6822136459 That is what you want
HDD/RAM would be the only thing(s) you could upgrade without cannibalizing the mobo. There are conflicting reports over whether the e1705 supports 2 Gigs max or 4 Gigs. Honestly, it doesn't make that big of a difference. Stick with 2 GB and save money for your next comp/laptop/car/etc
I'm pretty sure it's 3.5GB, but either way, I'm not going to upgrade just for that since it's been reported that they actually run slower on 4GB.