VB 2008 HTTP Wrapper?

Discussion in 'Code Snippets and Tutorials' started by Dusk412, Mar 2, 2009.

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  1. Dusk412

    Dusk412 Level I

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Does anyone know where I can download a VB 2008 HTTP Wrapper. I am learning how to apply VB to Neopets and am following this tutorial here:

    Unfortunately, this is for VB6, so I cannot use the wrapper that he links to in the tutorial. Anyone know a good one that they use or anything of the sort? (+rep to whoever helps :D)

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Or if anyone could help me learn to make my own. I just do not understand how to make VB be able to manipulate things over the internet such as logging in. Thanks again :D.

    Edit: Wow totally ignore this post, I did not realize that they were in the Code Snippets and Tutorials section. I thought I had seen them somewhere. Thank you anyways.
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