I was wondering about the very rich accounts in neopia such as Featheralley and Munsterpoo, these people have items and nps worth billions. Have they literally been restocking 12 hrs a day every day since they began neopets or are they just very good cheaters?
Featheralley got a ton of her stuff from another player who quit. I believe she was his boyfriend. These people also run large mall that I'm sure rakes in a ton of np daily. Frankly, I don't know how much rsing they actually do. If I had their kind of neopoints, I'd inflate a couple items like crazy, although tnt would probably get upset with me. Then again, I'm pretty sure munsterpoo is sitting on like 300 y-blasters right now. I have 20 myself.
if i was playing since the begining of the game i would be as rich or evan richer. and garet_jaxx is much richer than munsterpoo or featherally. but he doesent like to talk about it.
How did you even come across these people's names? I don't remember seeing a billionaires club membership register anywhere......??
Why would TNT watch them at all if they were rich? Its clear ther not doing any cheating, Who wud risk a 10 billion np main? simple how they got so rich.. Hhelmets were buyable at some point in the past. Now they are 8m... BD items have inflated millions overnight.. this and others (Gsword) are clear examples... Many popular BD items have skyrocketed in price, especially retired tower items like Gsword which went up about 100m overnight after its retiring.. All you have to have done is played ALOT in 2000-2002/gotten really lucky on the items u decided to save a bunch of. Currently, I dont think they even bother restocking as ther beastly malls just rake in cash like no1s business. It is obvious that they are totally legit.. No cheater ever makes it more then a week or so with more than 100 million, unless its EXTREMELY little amount of cheating.
I would love it if you explained to me how someone could supply their "beastly malls" without restocking.
they played non stop for over 6 years, thats like when np actually started. im guessing they just have alot of time on their hands
Yeah, I Agree Adam, I Dont Think Anyone Would Risk an account worth that much. But Dont You Think That TNT Would Watch Them In Case They Logged in at a different IP and TnT thought it was hacked? I Mean, people as rich as them, TNT would have to watch closley so they Wouldnt Get Hacked. If They were, it be on CBS News!
these accounts are so popular in neopia, that i think neopets overlooks alot of things that go on the account, i dont think the owner of featherally has to actually do anything to rake in the np anymore with the mall and everything -.-, just goes to show the rich get richer haha
they dont need to cheat... they have malls size 1200+, they probably spent around 50mill getting it that big which isnt that much if you've been playing for 6 years with item inflation. Now with their mall with shop size 1200 they rake in like 4mill a week, and all they gotta do is keep their shop stocked... im sure some of them use autopricers and maybe programs to keep theyre shop stocked at all time, but freeze rate for those programs is like 0.0001%
The MAJORITY of money came from investments items worth 200np years ago now worth 8mil+ and they had HUNDREDS! so they invested lots and got rich Also from 1 of a kind items
keep in mind that these people where around when you could buy a h4k helmet for 200np. and bieng around for a long time has its advantages. take a look at garet_jaxx 's gallery. when he bought all of that stuff it was BUYABLE. and he also has a huge mall. he is MUCH richer than munsterpoo and featherally because he doesent spend millions of np on neggs every day like they do. he went mute a long time ago.