General Discussions is NOT a forum for you to post random nonsensical crap that is really just thinly veiled spam. From now on, the creation of and posting in topics such as the previous ones will not be tolerated. Starting today, October 8, 2009, all stupid crap topics will be posted here on the WALL OF SHAME! (so ha!) along with the board creator. If you create a crap topic you will be docked forum cash and the board locked. So don't! If you see a crap topic, please report it! general-discussions-f41/favorite-emoticon-t29457.html (the_purple_M)
What a silly idea. your deter of crap may not be the same as others for one. i new poster makes a topic about something he thinks is relevant to something, you put it here as "crap" he aint gonna make another topic.
Well i for one think this is a good idea Phee... It lets us have an example of post to show newbs what not to do and punish them that do it =) well done
Sorry if I think this topic is a bit more necessary than "What's your favorite pair of socks?" and "Pepsi or coke?". BTW Whatever mod edited my post shall die a painful painful death. Topic locked because STICKIES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CLEAN. Y'all are dirtying it up. BTW I'm a her. How in the world does Phee sound like a dude's name.