Thought I'd pop in here and say hello to everyone. Found this board thru Google. thought I'd check it out. Been playing Neo for almost 5 years or so. I find it relaxing after a long day at work. I like to participate in stocks, hoarding, occasional auction sniping and a few other things.
Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here! Read the rules no spammage and you should fit in nicely! (edited by SoC as request by thread starter)
so instead of clicking on quote, the edit button seems to have confused me into adding " > hehheh...well now you do..." to your post...well I've changed it back now...
Maybe Megiddo could alter his post also so its not pointed out? Not really up for losing my account over a 'guilty by association' clause. [...]
Edited his post for you welcome aboard This is a cheating community yes, but as long as you don't post your neo username or cheat. You can stay here and just chat LOTS of people here dont cheat, myself included (altho i did use to xD)
Yeah...don't really plan on cheating. Would rather earn it all myself the right way. I mostly play for relaxation though. Look forward to chilling here more.