Welcome to Neofriends.net! FAQ

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Balthier, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    note: this guide is for people who have never been to Neofriends.net before. I reccomend this become a must-read for all new users.

    Welcome to Neofriends.net

    I'm sure you're surprised to find a website that offers so many programs that offer so much! But before you start downloading (or spamming posts), you need to read through this FAQ.

    Information here is compiled from various posts along the Neofriends.net website, and all credit will be listed at the end.

    First and foremost, You need to know the rules of Neofriends.net:

    1. Double posting (If it was an accident, include "please delete this post" at the end of the double post)

    2. Harassing other members, racism & derogatory comments

    3. Telling another member they're breaking the rules (All you're doing is giving staff more posts to delete by typing that, just report the person to a mod)

    Here are most of the things that will get you banned:

    1. Spamming (Either add some detail & stay on topic or be banned)

    2. Scamming (This speaks for itself)

    3. Posting harmful links or inappropriate websites (There are kids here)

    4. Gravedigging (If a topic hasn't had any posts for at least 3 days, leave it alone)

    5. Giving a program from here to another member or non-member (Once again, self-explanatory)

    6. You are not allowed to sell or trade neopets accounts, items or neopoints until you are level 1 or above. When you become level 1, a new forum will popup for you which you can use to do these things. This has been done to reduce scamming. If a topic is made by a new user (with less than 125 posts) based on selling or trading a neopets account, item or neopoints, a 24 hour suspension will be issued and the topic will be deleted.

    I've recently seen countless posts asking which AB is better. If you are caught asking this question, you will be suspended for 3 days. If you ask "What's the best place to restock at?", you will be suspended for 3 days.

    Rules written by Expon, our administrator.

    How can I purchase programs?
    The programs Neofriends.net offers are a privelage - and by that, I mean you must be an active, helpful member to gain points and earn the right to download them. You do not need to spam - If you want the program right away, simply donate via the PayPal link at the top of the forums, and you will receive points for doing so. Otherwise, simply keep active, post moderately often, and stay insightful! If you don't have anything to bring to the table, don't bother coming to dinner.

    What is an Autobuyer?
    An autobuyer is a program that will wait for restocks in a shop, and purchase items from a list FOR you, so you have a higher chance of obtaining that item at the lowest possible price.

    Is this cheating?
    Yes. By the TNT's (The Neopets Team) rules of conduct, using any 3rd party program to help you gain an advantage over another player is cheating.

    Will my account get frozen if I use one of these?
    This all depends on your discipline. If you can space out the use of an autobuyer, and take advantage of customizing the refresh rate, you will lower your chances of being frozen.

    The following is a list of ways to not get frozen, compiled by our level 3 user l_scorpio

    1.Have a nice lookup with templates and colour and design. make it look like you've put in effort to design this account. make it look like a main account even if its is one of your multiple accounts.

    2.Multing or shareing accounts. Its good to have a NOTE TO TNT: I shared this computer with my sister, both of us play neopets, we do not benefit from each other in any way. I log into my account from school and home and here and there so don't be alarmed by ip changes.
    EDIT: Maybe this isn't a good idea don't do this, because its more likely to make TNT suspicious. Thanks Dragon for the heads up!

    3.Your Display of wealth. Make the amount worth you have in trades/gallery/shop be suitable for your account age. Obviously If people see a 3month old account with 50 restockable unbuyables in trades. they are going to get jealous and say you AB.

    4.Unrestockable unbuyables. Have some of these r101 unbuyables for display in trades. Buy a few Unbuyables that are r101 cause they cannot be restocked and put em in your trades just for show. I can't stress how much this helps esp if u have multiple r101s. It really takes the suspicion of you.

    5.Trade descriptions. Put suitable descriptions. The main point here is you want to sound like you put in alot of effort getting your unbuyables so you want to sell It for the best because unbuyables are hard to restock. Not put descriptions like quick sale!, best offer quick!. If you do, your sending a message that "I ABed these stuff i dun care how much i sell them for cause I will be ABing tons more"

    6.Selling your Abed Unbuyables.

    6a.Do not put ABed Unbuyables into trades the day you get it. When something is ABed people in the battledome chat usually knows it due to no haggle. So it is wise to wait before putting the "loot" into trades to sell so nobody will know you are the one who got that unbuyable that stocked recently.

    6b.How long to wait before putting ABed unbuyables into trade. This depends. If its a common, cheap, not so impressive unbuyable that nobody really cares for 1 day is usually enough.

    6c.But If it is something very rare,expensive,outrage-causing. for example a TTear,Fpot,BGC,r99s that are none in trades or just a few in trades. People will be making boards like "OMFG XXXX IS SOLD OUT!!! ABED!!." so the last thing u want is to put it into trades and have the legions of report happy jealous pots reporting you. For this kind of Items its wise to wait for as long as it takes till things calm down. Its up to your personal judgement

    6d.Making Sell Boards in BDc/Tc. <--- equals to putting item in trade. so ditto. everything that applies on trades applies to make boards in neopets.

    6e.Selling It Here in Neofriends's trade boards. Take here as a underground blackmarket where you can sell your stuff unnoticed by the main neopets populations. Its pretty safe.

    6f.Selling It to Me. Hard to sell items are well... hard to sell. so If you don't want risking the attendtion at the neopets mainstream market you can pm me. cause I buy hard to sell unbuyables. of course you'd have to sell em quite cheaply to me or any other hts buyers in neofriends. Always better to sell cheap and stay unfrozen and sell more right.

    7. Bragging at Neopets Main Boards. Plz do not go to the main boards and brag on your 1337ness and pwnage when you use a AB because it attracts attendtion. I seen countless of Abers come bragging and when I look at their account its just smells of ab.

    8. Attendtion & Common sense. This is the most important aspect that every Aber must remember. You do not want attendtion. Use your common sense and do not bring unnesscary attendtion yourself. Golden rule Attendtion is BAD.

    What autobuyer should I buy?

    If you have an account that is less than 4 months old, you can't see some of the more rare items in the main shops - so, I would suggest the Igloo Autobuyer.

    If you have an account older than four months, I would suggest you save up for the Super Autobuyer. It supports multiple threads (accounts), and in my opinion is the best.

    l_scorpio suggest:
    I see all these things in signatures about selling/buying. What's going on with that?

    Once you reach level 1, the Neofriends.net blackmarket will be open to you; There, you can buy/sell/trade accounts/pets/items/neopoints.

    Level What?

    There are three levels on Neofriends.net. Level one is achieved by reaching a post count of 125. Level 2 is achieved by reaching 300 posts; and level 3 is something you need to apply for. There are only 2 level 3 users chosen per month.

    You can also apply to become a programmer (coder).

    I downloaded a program. It doesn't work. What do I do?

    Some of the downloads here were programmed in Visual Basic .NET. It is required that you download and install the .NET framework (version 2.0) from microsoft before you run these programs, (or they won't work:p).

    You can download it here:


    You must also download and install:


    as these are also required for vb6 applications.

    If you want to run perl programs, you will need activestate perl for windows. you can get it here:

    (Click 'get activeperl', then click 'free download', then click 'continue' [you don't need to fill in the info], then download the windows MSI package on the right hand side.)

    You also need to install the HTTP and LWP modules required in most of the perl scripts for download here. Download this:


    Extract it, and copy everything in the HTTP folder to c:\perl\lib\HTTP\.. and everything in the LWP folder to c:\perl\lib\LWP\

    To run a perl script, go to start->run->type 'cmd'. change to the directory of your perl script. (eg if you put your perl scripts in c:\scripts\ , type 'cd c:\scripts' and then run the perl script, by typing 'perl nameofscript.pl'.

    This was coppied from the announcements section
    To download files, you need to earn points. Currently, as we are a brand new community and looking to get some active member quickly, the amount of points needed to download files is extremely low, and you can get some of the most advanced programs after just a couple of days of activity..

    For every topic you make, you will receive 1 points.
    For every post you make, you will receieve 1 points.

    Do not post/spam short posts in order to gain points. Any users who do this will be banned permanently from the forum.

    To download files, you must click on the 'Stores' link at the top of the page, where you can trade in your points for the downloads. The cost in points of each file is listed next to that file. The files which you purchase with your points will be displayed in your 'Items' section.

    The requirements for more advanced programs such as autobuyers are low at the moment, but they will be rising by a few points every day.

    You can also get points through the reputation system.

    All programs will have been checked out by an admin before they are put in the store. However by downloading a program you accept that anything that happens as a result is your responsibility.

    Do NOT bump your boards (unless absolutely necessary - i.e. they are no longer on the first page and you still want people to see them)

    Do NOT dig up old posts. If a topic hasn't been posted on within the previous 5 days, then it's a dead topic - don't post on it yourself!

    If a program you want to discuss does NOT have it's own topic in this section, you can pm a moderator (currently angel, BobaFett or Hollandale) to make a new topic for it!

    After you've ran a program (especially those made in vb.net), check if it's still running after you've closed it as a process (by doing ctrl+alt+del, processes). If it is, end the process, or it may slow down your computer a lot, as this is a bug which hasn't been fixed in some programs at the moment.

    The previous guide was compiled by Expon

    I plan on updating this periodically. Posts in this thread should be suggestions to add to the Introductory FAQ.
    heyitsamy likes this.
  2. X Joe Kickass X

    X Joe Kickass X Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Behind You
    Great Guide for newbies

    This should be an annoucment ;)

  3. ctm_91

    ctm_91 Level III

    Jan 8, 2007
    Likes Received:
    yea awesome guide for noobs, if i had used this when i first signed up i wouldnt have gotten banned for 24hrs xD
  4. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Very nice Baltheir - thanks for using my guide :)
    I would suggest you write that, if your new, you should save for the igloo aber, get a few neopoints then save towards super or blerp AB beause even if your account's less than 4 months old, you can get better things with the blerp or super AB :)
    + rep :D
  5. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I added your suggestion.

    Anyone else can add to this, just post in this forum. We'll treat this like a wiki.
  6. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    added the section of what to download to run programs. Any other things I should add?
  7. X Joe Kickass X

    X Joe Kickass X Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Behind You
    You should add not to double post too ;P
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    BAHAHAHAH! nice 8)

    Nice Guide. +rep. this is a must have for the announcements section ;)
  9. Gil

    Gil Level II

    Jan 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Great guide. I even read through it myself to make sure im not messing up :p. +rep.
  10. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    SO I get no credit for this idea?


    nice guide nonetheless... but clearly ripped from my suggestion

    I only ask you to give credit where credit is due
  11. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    o_O I never even saw your post. I started this a few days ago. Sorry, man.
  12. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Right :roll: I don't want to be on bad terms... but you understand how that looks, right? I post a suggestion, and the next day you do this....
  13. Balthier

    Balthier Level III

    Dec 23, 2006
    Likes Received:

    In all seriousness, I never saw your post. I started writing this two days ago. It would have been up then, but I had to go to work, so I didn't have time to finish it.. Do you want me to put - FAQ "inspired" by anonymouso_O at the top, or something? I don't care about 'credit,' I created it so there wouldn't be so many useless posts.
  14. anonymouso_O

    anonymouso_O Level III

    Dec 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    no... If that's the truth man, then I guess :? great minds think alike... ;)
  15. baldudexx

    baldudexx Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    In your house
    Lol, glad you guys have sorted this out. by the way, +repped you Balthier, good to post it in Newbie Help and Guides. :lol:
  16. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
    Likes Received:
    thanks, i've learn a lot of thing with it ! +rep
  17. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Ummm dokifire, its for newbies and your like, level 2, and you've learnt from it? You should already KNOW it.
  18. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
    Likes Received:
    yes i know scoprio, but i'm french and there is a bit of thing that i hadn't understand in the rules but here i better understand ! i don't know if you understand what i want to said !
  19. softball

    softball Level III

    Dec 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Your Sock!
    nice of u to think of the newbies :)
  20. finalfantasy03

    finalfantasy03 Level I

    Jan 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    really nice guide for beginners who are new here at neofriends:)