Welfare system

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Freja, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I'm kinda curious to what you guys think of this.
    Where I live we have a welfare system; this means that it's free to go to school (you even get paid like 200-500$ - depending on your parents income when you're under 20 anyways - a month for going to school), it's free going to the doctor and get operations etc. (yeah well, free healthcare).
    Also, when you don't have a job, the state will take care of you, make sure you have a home and give you some money to help you.

    ETC. ETC. ETC. - welfare system!

    Now! How we're able to have this, is this "the rich pay for the poor"-kinda-like-system. I mean, my parents pay around 70% of their salary to taxes - which pays for all this. The more you earn, the more you pay in taxes. Also, we have extremely high taxes on cars - I think we are Europe's most expensive. So, Billy - we lose you here :/

    But in return we get all this free stuff.
    So, my question is - how would you feel about paying that much for free stuff - and paying for other people?
    We're talking about this in class, because we have to cut in some services to pay for this - but actually, polls show that we don't mind paying more taxes just to get it going.
  2. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    We have a similiar system here.. and to be honest. It pisses me off.

    Why should I work my ass off doing a minimum of a 40hour week and LOSE money for other people to not even get fof their asses each day. Sit around, watch TV. Waste the income they do get on crap.

    I don't mind having the system for those that actually NEED it. But there are soo many people that abuse it and I just want to punch them all in their gonads! >:)
  3. Heather

    Heather Level IV

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Agreed!! We have a welfare system here but its not quite that extreme. Too many people abuse the system because they are allowed to. I think it's a great tool for those who need it to get back on their feet and are ACTIVELY trying to better themselves. If I had that much of my money taken away from me I'd be super pissed off. As of now I get about 30% taken out for taxes etc, and to me that's ridiculous as it is. XD
  4. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Income tax for us is 35%, then there's property tax (3% here), and other things like gasoline tax, social security tax, welfare tax, etc.

    Ooh! Found a lovely list

    Gross Income Tax
    4 Sales and Use Tax
    5 Corporation Business Tax
    6 Alcoholic Beverage Tax
    7 Atlantic City Casino Taxes and Fees
    8 Cape May County Tourism Sales Tax
    9 Cigarette Tax
    10 Cosmetic Medical Procedures Gross Receipts Tax
    11 Domestic Security Fee
    12 Hotel/Motel Occupancy Fee
    13 Insurance Premiums Tax
    14 Landfill Closure and Contingency Tax
    15 Litter Control Fee

    17 Motor Fuels Tax
    18 Motor Vehicle Tire Fee

    21 Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax
    22 Public Community Water System Tax
    23a Public Utility Franchise Tax
    23b Public Utility Gross Receipts Tax
    23c Public Utility Excise Tax
    24 Railroad Franchise Tax and Railroad Property Tax
    25 Realty Transfer Fee
    26 Solid Waste Services Tax
    27 Spill Compensation and Control Tax
    28 Tobacco Products Wholesale Sales and Use Tax
    29 Transfer Inheritance and Estate taxes

  5. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    I never really payed attention to taxes until, of course, I started getting a paycheck of my own. I honestly everything should be privatized. Every man for himself damn it. My friend's roommate got fired, and is going to sit on unemployment until her 12 months are up before attempting to find a job. Uhh that's not okay because I'm paying for her to basically be a waste of space. This other chick takes out student loans so she can go shopping at BG on a regular basis, while other people who actually need it don't even get approved. So, since there will always be assholes who abuse the system, the government should just leave our money alone and let everyone sort their own crap out.
  6. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    The government can't allow that to happen because the result would be catastrophic. MASS homeless persons, all turning to other means to obtain a financial income, which would ultimately mean more crime. So, either way we'd be paying for those persons. Just this way its not our personal property getting screwed with...
  7. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Well we could ship the homeless people to an island and they could have their own society. That would create jobs and stuff too. Genius.
  8. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I'd rather have ten assholes sponging 30% of my income without good reason, than not pay taxes and possibly deny one person healthcare that is crucial for their survival.
  9. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    There must be a better way to regulate it though. I understand it's kind of a necessary evil because taxes do help a lot of people, but the people who take advantage kind of ruin it...
  10. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    The thing is, I don't mind paying for taxes, but I sort of am a little disappointed to know that not even all my taxes go towards welfare itself. Some times, we have lame train expansions, etc etc. All those other stuff. I'm not paying much now so it's not a big issue. I just don't like how the more you make the more you pay. What about people who are doctors? Their job is stress to the bones, and because they are the top salary occupation, they have to pay more? It just makes no sense. I guess maybe a set percentage is good enough? Then again I don't know enough about this stuff to argue much. Just simply stating my opinion based on what I know.

    Then again regardless of how badly people need help, some government just plain like to try and reject people's request for welfare anyways. Don't deny it doesn't happen. I don't mind helping people, but if it would LITERALLY save someone's life, then sure fine.
  11. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    If we had more people like you- as in, with a soul -here in the US, then the health care debate wouldn't be a debate.

    I just think it's so ridiculous, that people are calling it 'obamacare' and socialism and such. Isn't Medicare and Medicaid the same thing? How can you possibly decide that a person's life is not worth spending money for?

    On welfare, I think it needs to be set up differently; instead of unemployment checks, the government should provide those people with labor- construction, research, etc. -in the form of a 'temp'-style job while also providing them with career and job recruitment services.

    Ang, when my mom was laid off last year, she had 6 months' severance pay. She did use the time to locate jobs, but the problem was that if she took any job, even temp jobs or lower paying ones, she'd lose her severance pay. That makes no logical sense to do- to choose to be paid less for doing work or paid more for doing nothing? So she was unable to start any job til after the six months. It's a stupid system.
  12. Mercury

    Mercury Level I

    Apr 14, 2010
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    I agree with Junior, I think 70% taxes is utterly ridiculous and would likely result in many leechers. From a utilitarian point of view, it would be much more efficient to give individuals incentive to work hard; ie not so many benefits for the ones with lower income.

    The essential aspect of the downfall of communism from an economic perspective is precisely the lack of incentive to work hard. In my opinion a system such as this has the same vitiating factors.

    Of course some may disagree with me, with arguments based on human rights and the disparity between rich and poor, but I believe that the foundation of high living standards lies in the stability of a country's economy. Without such a stable economy, the country would inevitably have to rely on help from others (eg many African countries).
    DeNo likes this.
  13. Angelika

    Angelika Moderator

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Yeah, I get it, it's a crappy system, but not everyone's like your mom, Phee. Some people actually refuse to even look or attempt to find a new job, and that's not okay. I'd love if our government would stop wasting our money and find a way to distribute help to those who actually need it.
  14. Robert

    Robert Level II

    Apr 19, 2010
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    Louisville Kentucky
    I used to feel that it was unfair to pay taxes for people to lie and get welfare checks so they can sit around and do nothing. I still do think it is wrong for them to get that money, but I do not think that people should not pay taxes and let everyone fend for themselves. I used to as I said though. What made me change my mind? I am no longer able to work. My problem? I have degenerative disc disease along with other maladies due to that condition. My disease has no cure, or no way to have prevented it. It was hereditary for me. I am in America. I am fighting tooth and nail to get help from the government. I have been fighting for over a year. I have MRI's, doctor reports, physical evaluations even. But because so many people have conned the government out of the tax money and so many people protest it, I will probably be fighting for another year before I see any help. Until then I suffer unduly.

    That all said, the government is the one at fault. They could very easily institute the taxes allocated to helping people like me onto cards similar to food stamp cards and keep track of what the money is being spent on and busting those spending it frivolously.
  15. jadester

    jadester Level I

    May 26, 2010
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    Some people need to use the welfare system. I personally have never used it but my sister has. She was in an abusive relationship and had to use the system to get out. Heaven forbid something should happen to any of you and be forced to use welfare to get back on your feet. Its horrible, you dont get enough to survive on and children go hungry. In the short term I have no issues with giving some of my pay cheque to those in genuine need. You may be the person to make a huge difference in someones life when they need it most.

    On the other hand there are lifetime welfare recipients who take advantage of the system and are simply too damn lazy to get off their asses and earn what they want. Those people I have an issue with. There should be limits to how often and how long you can collect a free cheque. There is nothing worse then living a lazy life off someone elses sweat.
  16. battledome

    battledome Level I

    Jun 15, 2007
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    The concept of the welfare system has good intentions, but as always, there are some that choose to abuse the privilege and ruin it for those who are genuinely in need. I think everyone here that is opposed to it has seen a first hand example of someone abusing such service provided. I think that the problem is the government not regulating rules and being stricter on those cheating the system. I know here in Australia it's not uncommon for someone to rort the system by claiming disabilities they don't actually have and claiming so much money that they are able to live off this amount. Apart from those people ruining the system, there's nothing wrong with welfare. Note that I do not pay welfare, and as someone who has a job and pays taxes, I support the system.
  17. RRRJ

    RRRJ Level I

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I think it's tough, as some people choose to abuse the welfare system and use it as an excuse not to try to move forward with their lives.
  18. dk8932

    dk8932 Level I

    Nov 21, 2010
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    As long as people aren't abusing the system I think is fine. But if its the other way around where they don't seem to make a effort to further themselves in life why do it?
  19. larryisamazing

    larryisamazing Level II

    Nov 19, 2010
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    In the long run socialism doesn't work, because you simply run out other people's money. The rich stop producing because they have enough money that they earned before the gov't started taking all their money, and anyone who has considered trying to become rich (by starting a business) just gives up on that idea because there's just no point to it.

    I have a couple friends who came here from Poland before the collapse of the U.S.S.R, and they are always telling me about how little work people would do. Most people did the bare minimum to get through the day.

    Of course gov't should help people who really need it, but that just points out another problem with a welfare state...the people who really need it can't get it because so many people get used to sponging that there just isn't enough money to go around. And, it just gets worse and worse as the years go by.

    Look at Greece, those people are rioting in the streets because they believe the gov't owes them the ability to live their "relaxed" life style. Gov't has removed most of the competition so no one feels like they have to work to keep their job and there is no incentive to work hard because the taxes are too high. Yet, most people can't understand that there is no money left because, as I stated above, all the other people's money has run out. Several other countries in Europe aren't far behind.
  20. bobbarr243

    bobbarr243 Level I

    Sep 20, 2010
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    Personally I think that in the US welfare should not be run at the level of the federal government but rather at the level of state and local governments. The funds might be better appropriated because the funds are divided at a lower level. Also, if one does not want to pay for welfare, he or she has the choice of moving.