I have a few screenies like this, a long with a lot of OLD restocking screenies from back in the day, which would be safe to share now since the account is iced, nonetheless let me know if anyone remembers this, I'm gonna post more soon xD Attachments removed. Save it for the Level III chat.
I MISS THERE BEING NO FILTER! There was one guy when i was 7 who was like 'I just found out how babies are made.' And I was completely innocent :/ And I didn't even realise what he was getting at. XD
How the heck can TNT let the word 'virginity' slide? It was 2009 for goodness sake xD There was also this board last year and the title was 'Pink & Brown Kawk UFA!!!' And the first post was 'Yeah, UFA! You can have fun with them, comes with angelpussy!' And there were loads of people there, before SOMEONE realised that it was perverted humour XD
That was in the days when the BotLand corporation didn't defeat TNT yet and they only had human beings actually checking every board :maha:
Yeah it was good stuff, it was soo long back I was tempted to post some bad stuff but didn't want to get iced for abusing a glitch
So someone removed the pics? They weren't that offensive and there was already a warning in the title.. XD