hold space bar while its in the air until it starts to fall then let go, it makes its wings fold and go further.. maybe u knew that but i didnt and it helped alot wen i found out
what you do is when you hit it, hit it at wind 8, then while going up hold spacebar and then let go at the peak of you height, then when hitting the ground keep on pushing spaced
wind 9* it might help if you click your mouse instead of hitting space. while it is rising, hold down your spacebar or mouse button. as it reaches its peak, let go. when it is coming close to hitting the ground, try to time clicking again for when it's going to hit and you get further/more jumps at the end.
ok heres a small lil cheat for you. If you have a friend thats plays NP's also, and has gotten far enough to get avi in the game. Go to thier house and log into THIER computer. Go and play the game and it should allow you to hit with biggest club, thus allowing you a faster chance for avatar. I have done this on several diff comps, I guess the game says the info for each IP address. just make sure you log out again after wards!
No, my high score is around 1600 and I don't cheat. Get the big bat, hit it when wind is 9, let go of the space bar or mouse at its highest peak and hit the space bar/mouse when it hits the ground. Its not hard to get.
It also helps when you get the tree as a bat. You can hit it really far that way. I've only seen screenies of it though, never actually got to use the tree as a bat.