Title says it all. I actually want a Faerie Kougra , then again I'm a fan of most of the faerie pets.
Anything worth it. 8D; lol. I usually don't end up keeping the pets I zap o_o; I trade them off or give away, when they're decent enough.
I do the same thing, but I actually keep them if they look good enough. Most of the time I'll keep them if they're decently named.
Yeah you can. The colors that the lab doesn't zap your pet into would be plushie, baby, pirate, usuki, or royal. It takes a while to get something good though, so my advice is if you have your eyes set on a color, it's better to buy a paint brush for it. That's what I might do once i get the lab again on this new account. Gonna zap my pet for a bit then transform it into a kougra, and then paint it Faerie.
i never even knew that. i always thought you could get plushie from the lab ray. lol thats typical that the pretty decent colors aren't zap-able. whats your best lab zap that you got? like color wise.
Uhhm.. its been a while. I'd say maybe Faerie and Grey that's all i remember. I had my pet turn into a chia and into some fruit lol, but i didnt like it. Im personally not a fan of chias.
pea chias are cute though. oh i have one more question. sorry about the amount of questions i just started my lab ray, never had it before. but does your pet turn into LE pets? what about draiks or krawks?
Krawks and Draiks i'm not too sure about, but any other Limited Edition pets, yes. I haven't seen anyone with the results of a draik or krawk, it might be possible, but it could be rare. Again, I'm not sure about those 2 species since I never had a zap like that before.
I'd love to get a MSP Poogle. I'd really love to get a UC MSP though =( I think Krawks and Draiks are possible.. I just never seen anyone get it xD
Personally I don't like the whole new converted thing. ): I liked the pets the way they were before, I mean some of them changed for the better. Lol, but yeah i forgot all about the MSP poogle O_O. I would like that, but then again most likely it'll be a converted one. T_T
I'm actually leaning towards thinking it's not possible to get a draik or a krawk. Surely someone would have had it happen by now as for me, I'm just zapping until I get enough for my draik mp
You're right about that. But what if that could possibly happen? Will prices of the lab pieces inflate then? Haha, i doubt it though.
i want a coconut jub jub D:<<<<< started zapping on three accts two of them changed species and the other is currently pink T___T
Coco Jubjub are cute too. I wish you luck on getting one. I'm starting to save up for the lab pieces again, and I'm planning to make this side account my new main.
some chocolate pets aren't so great, but I've always loved the chocolate usul. someday I might take the time and money to try and get my usul zapped into one. not for a while though
As of right now im just zapping my pet to get it some strenght, movement and whatnot points. Maybe after wards ill go hope for a color, but the lab doesnt exactly give us what we want.
I want a robot 0_0, it always looked so cool back when it was one of the only non paintable colors...robot jetsam ftw =]