I opened one and saved the rest. I got...a dented can of neo cola and some item called bit o bones o_o
I opened three and saved the rest... Got Ghost Pancakes, 2x Vampire Wax Lips, 2x Assorted Pumpkin Mixed Candy and Dented Can of Expired Pumpkin Neocola. Many people seem to be getting the same items so it's best to sell the goodie bags or save for later.
Yeah I got jack. I was hoping for something good, but I'm starting to think they won't give out anything good.
Someone said they heard ppl have gotten the halloween pb from them. But they werent sure if that was true or not I havent opened mine yet. Still deciding on selling or not.
I opened all of them but didn't get anything great. Some Ghost Marshmallows, Candy Corn, Peanut Butter Spiders, Spooky Yoyo, Spooky Shake, Assorted Pumpkin Mixed Candy, Bit O Bones, Marshmallow Meowclops, and Pumpkin Gut Cookies. Boooring
I think the best thing I got was a Halloween Aisha Balloon. But the other stuff went towards my pack rat avvie so not a total waste for clicking links.
I didn't open mine. Ever since my first halloween on neo a couple of years back, I've just hoarded my goodie bags and I watch the price increase on them as the years pass. Oh how I do love neopoints! <3 :yup: