Okay, so i got back into ABing and im amassing a small fortune. well 2M is considered a fortune for me. and its growing daily by abt 100k or so.. nice and slow so not to risk iceland but i kinda asked myself, now i have Achetime, i have no reason to really evnen log in except to just withdraw from till.. And further than that.. What do i do with the money? What do I buy? Charity? Buy some PBs and let em set? The persuit of wealth on neopets can be mirrored to real life.. but when it comes to just doing it for the heck of it, it just doesent really work. So in short, what do you guys spend your dosh on yo keep yourself interested? ANy suggestions etc. And in any extreme cases.. anyone need some financial help? =/
I would buy some investments on a safe side account, then maybe sell the neopoints? Either that, or you could start to donate. People who donate a lot often become well known if that's another goal of yours.
Mmmm making cash from ABing.. that sounds useful.. however helping out NFnet sounds good too.. I like this place, its just where i come to express ideas, thoughts and just generally be a fool =] is selling np safe? is there any chance of someone taking money from you over the net or anything?
Selling NPs is decently safe. You could be frozen doing it, it's happened to me before. As long as the buyer is trustworthy, you should be OK.
lol @ cheating to make np without knowing why you want the np...silly Anyway, you should train your pet and get a good bd set and thus gain respect from the only users that matter: BDers
Yeah, I guess I'm a bit biased...when I got into NP a long time ago, it was much cheaper to get a good BD set...plus, I just really like the BD
Collect something...like Darigan petpets or Jellies or Stamps. Stamps will keep you interested for a good, long while, because some of them cost up to 14M and ridiculous numbers akin to that one. Or what about making a super spectacular Neohome? Decking out your pets with majorly sickkkk backgrounds? Buying something relatively cheap, buying a LOT of it, and waiting to see if it inflates? Games like that are fun, and you don't lose anything. Plus you get to laugh about the silly people scrambling to buy a whack of something that is really actually worthless. Even better, get a couple of people to help you spread a rumour that it has something to do with the Bonju avvie, and watch everyone go mad. Then resell them all for a lowish price that is still more than what you paid for them. And start all over, only on a bigger scale. Yeah, of course I'm a genuinely nice person.........