I kinda thought for a while but, what do you expect next coming to Neopets? What game would you expect? What new 'mystery capsule' would you expect? What do you expect next?
I expect them to make more NC Mall items, and work more on key quest. I also expect more sponser games. Just pretty much anything that makes the money..
As said anything that makes them money, NC items, key quest stuff and plushies. I wish I could say more plots and site content like that but it seems further and further away!
not so much. As we know from the past. They are lazy. Unless it comes with money. Then they work o.o & altador cup. (i think they are giving out nc items or cash in the end )
What I'd HOPE for is another actual plot (if TNT could ever pull off something like the Lost Desert Plot again...=D), but what's probably going to happen... A few more random items released every day, more and more NC stuff, continuation of the inability to win any site rewards without excessive NC Mall items...more Daily Dares and Altador Cups, etc. Expansions on Keyquest... In other words, a lot of stuff for the sake of making money, and almost nothing towards site content. (For example, when was the last secret avatar released? Last summer, for the Altador Cup.)
Neomall items, neomall expansion, new advertisements, new sponsor games & items and new premium-user only games, functions, activities and events?
key word THINK they will think about it, they think about many things but the ones even they think hard on they usually take a year to do lol.
As TNT is now profit driven, I am not expecting anything entertaining....no offence but altador cup was really boring lol
That's a understatement really, boring just wasn't the word. If you wanted good prizes you would have to have spent nearly most of your summer sitting and playing 1 of 3 boring games until it ended. That or maybe never sleep. I have a real life and even at the most boring times found it way more entertaining then the altador cup lol [...]
Lol, I totally agree with you Dreamerz. I would prefer events like a war, which would be very entertaining and somewhat challenging
Exactly what I mean. Its the reason I enjoy plots so much. As much as I may hate when I get stuck on something and feel like I will never complete it before time runs out at least there is a challenge and I usually don't know what to expect in the next steps. The plots seem too short and they are so much fun and the boring stuff seems to drag out for months on end.
What I'd HOPE for is another actual plot (if TNT could ever pull off something like the Lost Desert Plot again...=D), but what's probably going to happen... -- AMEN! I lovedd the ldp so much : ) it was so much fun and so much /hard/ work.. im just waiting for another plot, or even a bd plot. i have a bd pet and everything.. i am ready ~
I heard many people say they liked that plot but even before I was away the time that plot happened, well didn't even know of such things as plots those days just came now and then played a few games and thats all neopets was to me. How was the ldp different/ better?
The Altador Cup... other than that, the coming soon page is promising us stuff... but all they seem to do is realease more clothes from the NC mall...
I bet they are going to do something with NeoCash again like they did to AAA challenge. They might add it to Altador Cup.