when im bored i play some good old super mario world on my pc. I love all the rom hacks nowadays. Currently making my own romhack its going to take soo long lol.
fishy-- best game ever if you're bored. Also check out Filler-- Google "Filler game' and you'll get it, first site, off of Kongregate. Another cool site where you earn Points for playing games. But anyway, Filler and Fishy. They're good.
I too play Maplestory, or I go to youtube and watch people act like idiots. It shows me that at least when I'm bored I can contain myself.
Text Twist is a great time-wasting game... when I'm bored I usually check some various forums...play neo...or play some arcade games when I was younger I used to go back to playing pokemon blue on the gameboy every now and then when I was bored...pokemon was great Oh...tv is an excellent time-waster as well
I text girls or play neopets or runescape or any other pc game or any ps3 psp or x-box 360 game that I have that im in the mood for... or else if games don't sound fun then I workout until im tired enough to go to sleep lol.
talk to people online or window shop for clothes Read the rules. You've been spamming and gravedigging - Commy
i ve been tinking about that question lately too.. cos i jus ended mi exams and suddenly it feels odd to not stay up late to mug. so im back to indulging miself in neopets everday. hee bud im hoping to find sumthing more constructive to do soon.
Play neopets or pokemon, talk to people online, bug people or my cat, draw stuff,...etc. One thing you could do is go to an office supply store, buy a crap-load of sticky notes, and post them all over the house. (for best effects, do this when everyone is out of the house. by everyone, I mean if you live with more than one other person)