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What do you think about middle schoolers getting cash for...

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by pjkamelo, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    good grades and attending school?

    Here in D.C and probably somewhere in maryland and virginia middle school kids are eligible to get cash of $100 max a month for good grades, good behavior and attending school.

    Now do you think this is a good "motivation" for young kids?

    i want to hear your opinion first.
  2. Digitype

    Digitype Level I

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Its probably the only things that will keep those kids in school. I wish i could get paid for school. :[
  3. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    I'm not sure if it's a good motivation, as the money could lead to a lot of people doing academic misconduct.
    Perhaps even their parents would put their hand in their children's homework a little more of if they know there's some money at the end.
    If we assume that all the children won't cheat, then it could potentially be a good system, with a comparatively cheap way to improve grades.
    That being said, some children do have learning difficulties, and even if money is on the line, they might not be able to attain good grades. So I'd hope that that would also be addressed
  4. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
    I think this a good idea and it really motivates one to do well in school. I know this sounds corny but it will then get the kids to be all they can be lol. Also it helps pay for ever rising tuition for post secondary programs and enocourages the kids to become somebody.
  5. ub0r

    ub0r Level III

    Mar 8, 2007
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    It definately provides some incentive to do better--to what extent, however, is debatable.

    I know it worked for me, my parents used to give me money for every A I got in middle/high school.
  6. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    What age group is middle schoolers?

    Herein UK 16-19 year olds at college get £30/$60 per week for attending (If there parents earn under certain money)
    and it does help a lot :)

    And there was a system at 15-16 for £ for grades, but i never got payed.
    So i think that fell through.
  7. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    wow i wish i can earn money for college, that would be sweet!

    middle schoolers are i think 10/11-13/14 years old

    second post:

    lucky you.
    the only thing that motivate me to get good grades and attending school is not to get an ass whooping :lol:
    seriously, i see the BIGGEST downfall for this system, if money is on the on line, of course there are going to be a bunch of knuckleheads cheating ...
    But i don't want to let me kids think that money is everything, the good simple things in life comes for free.

    Kids these days don't appreciate anything that are handed down to them, such as free education.
    There are many countries that you HAVE to pay starting from preschool till college.

    third post:

    also you guys forget that, that money they're using is OUR TAX MONEY.

    i would be damn to come out of MY pocket to pay someone else's kid to go to school!
    as far as i know, it is not my responsibility to pay YOUR kid so he/she can be motivated,
    it is YOUR job to that. Don't let your kid someone else's burden.

    ...its bad enough our tax money goes to useless shit.

    I think that $2.7mil that they are planning to use should go to better school supplies, better teachers (maybe) and you know more activities or something that "motivate" kids to do better, except money.
  8. ub0r

    ub0r Level III

    Mar 8, 2007
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    So you'd rather spend your taxes to send children to die in wars, than to inspire them in their pursuit for education?
  9. Istoph_domo

    Istoph_domo Level I

    May 11, 2008
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    ub0r did not mention anything about wars, let alone that he would rather spend his taxes on that rather than education. In fact, what he did say that he would rather spend his taxes on is still technically attempting to inspire children to do better in school.

    In a sense I agree with ub0r, but only because while the $2.7M spent paying the kids would only go to a certain number of kids, paying for better teachers and equipment could potentially inspire more kids to do better.

    Edit: It seems I mixed up the names of the people that I was quoting/talking to. It was pjkamelo that I was agreeing with.
  10. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    no ubor, like what i mentioned, its bad enough our tax money goes to useless shit, and that includes the war.
  11. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    They need to get drug and booze money some how. Why not?
  12. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    since when did i ever mentioned about me spending my tax money on war? o_O
    I rather spend my money on helping the environment than these kids because with the environment it is for EVERYONE.

    Now, here is my question:
    Do you really think after middle school these kids will still have the "motivation" to do better in high school and college when there is no money on the line?
    If there is no money involved in high school these kids would not want to go simply because my motivation has been cut, aka the cash. In these kids heads, all they think is about cash NOW, and not sit there for another 4-8 years to get there degree.
  13. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    It does help motivate them, I do think- when I was in middle school it would've motivated me! $100 is alot, yes, but kids need a large denomination to make them want it. I doubt they'd be willing to work hard for a $25 gift card.

    I remember back when I was in intermediate school (or maybe elementary school?) our teachers would give applebees vouchers as gifts or prizes. No one cared.

    I just hope it isn't in cash, because this would definitely lead to bullying and other unsafe behavior targeting the "smart kids."

    I think it's be much better if it were, say, a $100 preloaded check card for straight A's/honor roll/whatever at the end of each semester.

    Oh, and middle school is grades 6-8, right? About ages 11-13?
  14. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    yep middle school is grade 6-8.

    they said that it goes to the student's "bank account" but they have access to it.
    Sort of like having a direct deposit paycheck to your bank :lol:

    if the cash is not accessible in any way, then I highly doubt it kids will get motivated by something that they can not obtain once they graduate or something... so yeah.

    I don't know about you guys but my only motivation is not to get my ass kicked, money was a bonus but my parents did not raise me that way. My parents taught me to make sacrifices and enjoy the fruit of it later.
  15. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    pfft I am a ninth grader and I have never heard of that.
  16. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    I always tried to convince my dad to get me motivated for getting good grades but he never went for it. But for attending school WTF! Kids shouldn't have to get motivated to go to school! Either they get a good job when they grow up or they suck for the rest of their life. Greedy kids >.>
  17. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Nope. Shoud've Started that a LONG Time Ago!! I've Made A's since Kindergarten, and I'm in 8th. Besides, kids do get money from their parents half the time for making A's and B's. Not Me Though, if I make a B im grounded :(
  18. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    lol, those are some strict parents you have there :p
    I usually get straight As w/ an occasional B.

    Sure, kids shouldn't be rewarded for doing something they should be doing already. But the thing is, sometimes what's fair isn't what's right. I know we'd all love to see those greedy lil kids suffer the consequences of their actions, but we have to be smart about it. No matter how much you don't want it, you have to accept that those kids are the future of the world. You can't just throw away the future of the world out of some misplaced spite.

    Oh and I live in that area and I wouldn't mind getting a $100 paycheck for doing something that's second-nature to me. The ironic thing is that the economy in that area sucks right now and there are budget problems all over the place.
  19. vinceraf

    vinceraf Level III

    Jan 29, 2007
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    Europe - Italy
    Oh well... lucky those states where government can afford these kind of disbursements o_O (where I live gaining a scholarship is pretty impossible xD)
    Anyway yes, it could be a motivation for the students... but I don't agree so much with this enterprise. We live yet in a material world... what if these guys learn to work only if they get paid for what they do?
    I know they're not stupid... but I mean... you should study without rewards as well, and school should teach you just this: study because the only one who gain by studying is you, your brain, and the whole your future life.

    Here in Italy for example there are universities that pay you house rent, food, school taxes, but you have to be really very very good, almost a genius. It's an investment that government do on you, to increase state's level of good graduates... and I think it's positive, but I really don't understand why to do this in the middle schools where guys are still too young and school taxes not so high like in the universities :/
  20. pjkamelo

    pjkamelo Level I

    Sep 5, 2008
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    maybe because you're in highschool? o_O


    i forgot what i was about to say ... :maha:

    oh D.C means District of Columbia, the nation's capitol.

    okay, i am guessing no one is here from D.C. Let me explain to you guys how students and the schools are in D.C.
    Public schools in D.C (I've never heard of private schools in d.c) is what you considered a very poor place to get an education. In each class there are probably 40+ students, the schools barely have books and any other school supplies. The buildings itself looks like prison, some schools have those high-wired gates, and most schools you have to pass thru a metal detector. Yeah, its that bad and that ghetto.n :nope:
    Ive never went to a DC school because i might not last long there, but I live in the border of Maryland and DC so I know how the schools are. The schools are filled with gangs and violence, if you're not street smart then there is a high possibility you might get shot :yup: These high school kids are DEFINITELY not motivated to strive for an education, they're more concern about surviving.

    so this proposal originated in D.C for middle school kids. How do you think these greedy middle school kids WOULD turn out once they get in high school? No money and you got these big high school kids in your ass.. o_O